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What is Intermittent Fasting?

In a nutshell, Intermittent Fasting refers to an eating regime where you cycle between periods of fasting and periods of eating.

Melanie Rockett
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2019


The periods of eating are often referred to as an “eating window.”

There are dozens of combinations of Intermittent Fasting.

Here are a few of the most common fasting periods:

  • 12 hour fasting. Normally you would stop eating at 7 or 8 PM on one day and not eat until 7 or 8 AM the next morning.
  • 18 hour fasting. You would fast starting at 7 or 8 PM on one day and not eat until 12 or 1 PM the next day. Basically you are skipping breakfast. If you plan on doing this daily, you have a 7 hour eating window … from 12 noon until 7 PM.

Longer Fasts include:

  • 24 hour fasting or one-meal-a-day fasting. Most people had dinner one day and then don’t eat until dinner (same time) the next day. Some people alternate eating one day and fasting the next day as a lifestyle, while others do the 24 hour fast one or two times a week.
  • 36 hour fasting. If you finish dinner at 7 or 8 PM on the first day, you skip all meals on the second day and don’t eat again until 7 or 8 AM on the…



Melanie Rockett

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