Why You Should NOT Pay Too Much Attention To Your Scale

Melanie Rockett
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2019


Image courtesy of rocketclips on Adobe

Your Scale is NOT the Most Accurate Gauge of Weight Loss. Here’s Why …

I can lose 5 pounds in less than two days!



But according to my scale I have. And according to all the magazine articles I’ve read it is possible.

The problem is two days later, my weight is back up where it originally was, because the weight I “lost” was really water loss.

Many diets produce great results for the first few days or a week because they promote rapid water loss. Your body is actually dehydrated. Your weight will then start increasing as your body returns to its state of normal water retention.

IF you are grid locked on the numbers on your scale, you will often be mystified. You might follow your diet religiously only to see weight GAIN instead of LOSS. You may go on a bing and see your weight dropping. What? What’s going on?

Many people stop their new diet when they see the numbers, simply because they are disappointed.

Image courtesy of luxstorm on Pixabay



Melanie Rockett

Over 40 years Freelance Writing — pretty well everything! | Writing | Book Promotions | Marketing | melanierockett.com