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Chronic Diseases: The Unseen Storms on Our Health Horizon

Dhaneesh Jameson
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2024


Chronic diseases are like sudden rain clouds forming unnoticed on the horizon. Initially, they seem harmless, much like a gentle rain shower we might even enjoy. However, some clouds often deceive us, changing their colour and behaviour without warning. What starts as a drizzle can quickly escalate into a violent thunderstorm, striking down before we can seek refuge.

Just as rain clouds can appear out of nowhere, chronic diseases often begin their journey masked by seemingly benign symptoms, easily mistaken for occasional ailments. This camouflage allows them to progress silently, making it crucial to recognise and address them before they unleash their full force.

Understanding our bodies is like watching the skies for signs of change. Each body reacts differently, much like each storm has its path and intensity. This individualised nature of disease progression underscores the importance of proactive health monitoring and education.

Preventive measures are our best defence against these sudden health storms. Regular check-ups, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and staying informed about potential risks can make a significant difference. By prioritising prevention, we can detect and manage diseases before they transform into severe, life-threatening conditions.

Photo by Rohan G on Unsplash

In essence, tackling chronic diseases early — before the rain clouds burst open — empowers us to lead healthier lives. Prevention, much like a sturdy roof during a storm, provides the protection we need against the unpredictable nature of chronic diseases.

Dhaneesh Jameson

