My 2cd Candied Kiss to You

Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed
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3 min readFeb 28, 2021


And tell me all about your orgasm style…

Photo by BARBARA RIBEIRO from Pexels

I’ve been going through some of my older pieces on Sugar Cubed that are no longer getting the love they deserve on Medium. Here’s one of my favorites from the past: What’s Your Orgasm Style?

In this piece, I examine how not all men climax the same way. What do you think? I’d love to hear more about your own orgasm style. Please feel free to comment in the response section at the end of the piece.

You may also private message me on my Ko-Fi page, but do understand that my time is precious. Please don’t message me unless you’ve bought me a hot, frothy coffee that I can let luxuriate on my tongue before I drink it down. Mmmmmm.

On that note, let’s get started with my piece about the different orgasm styles I’ve witnessed as an escort.

Photo by Damir Spanic.

As an escort, a big part of my job is facilitating the male orgasm. In other words, I help men come.

I don’t just help them come — I make them come.

I lead them to orgasm with the help of my vagina, my ass, my mouth, or my hands.

As such, I’m literally there when this extremely intimate event occurs, and I’ve witnessed a myriad of orgasm styles.

Each man has his own special way of coming, and yet there are similarities.

Below I’ve listed six of the most memorable orgasm styles I’ve witnessed in men as an escort.

1. The silent, invisible orgasm.

I call this kind of orgasm the silent, invisible orgasm. That’s because it’s just that. A man and I are having sex when he suddenly halts, leaving me to wonder.

“Did you just come?” I ask.

Because I wouldn’t know if he didn’t tell me.

Yes, he came, but he did so silently, almost invisibly that I almost missed it.

The man who climaxes this way doesn’t even moan when he comes. His body doesn’t shudder. His thrusts don’t increase in speed or intensity. He simply stops, and his body goes limp. That’s when I know he’s done.

Of course, it’s easier to determine when this man has achieved climax when he comes in my mouth.

Then there’s no question as to whether he’s come or not. My mouth is full of him.

To read the rest of the essay, please click here.

And again, I’d love to hear about your own experiences in the comment section below. Any questions you may have for me, I’m all ears.

For those of you who are shyer, please buy me a coffee then send a private message.

I look forward to hearing from you! Big hug and kiss, Mysterious.



Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl.