My Partner Could Have Died From a Broken Neck — He Survived but Has Cancer

And here’s how I’ve changed as a result of his diagnosis.

Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2021


The author and her reflection.

A month ago, as we boarded the plane that would take us back to Los Angeles from the state in the Deep South where my father now lives, my partner said he needed to go to the emergency room as soon as we landed. And so once we disembarked at LAX at 1 a.m., I drove him to the emergency room. He was admitted into the hospital at 3 a.m.

And we’re lucky he was. Tests soon showed he had a tumor in the bone marrow of his neck vertebrae. The tumor had caused the bone to deteriorate. The vertebrae were being held together by a mere thread of bone.

Had he waited any longer, his neck would have broken. He might have been paralyzed or even died. We are grateful he never visited the chiropractor he’d planned to go to for an adjustment earlier in the week. One neck adjustment would have snapped the bone.

My partner had no idea he had a tumor growing in his neck. What he did know was that six months ago, he first started experiencing pain that originated in his shoulder and radiated down his arm to the tips of his fingers.

I even wrote an article about this — how orgasms were helping to alleviate this pain. But the momentary relief he…



Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl.