How To Get Anime Clips For Editing

Maddison Case
Published in
6 min readMar 31, 2021
Homepage of SUGOI (our platform available in U.S. and Canada)

It’s no secret that the internet is filled with anime clips that many are sharing online and in their communities. But how are they finding them?!

If you’ve ever been curious yourself, here’s your guide! Below we will list a few of the top ways editors of today are grabbing awesome anime clips to use in their youtube, instagram, and tiktok videos.

Below we’ll list a few of the top methods that the editors of today are using to source their clips.

Screen Capturing

One of the most common forms is a ton of work but also the most easily accessible if you have the tech for it — screen capturing! Since there is no fool proof solution to ending screen capturing as a whole without eliminating the streaming and distribution of anime altogether — it’s safe to say that this method isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

Not sure how to screen capture? Check out this guide.

There is no fool proof solution to ending screen capturing as a whole without eliminating the streaming and distribution of anime altogether.

User asks for help after running into Crunchyroll Screen Capture Blocker


Although only available in the U.S. and Canada, SUGOI (that’s us!) is a platform in its infancy (launched in December of 2020) for acquiring clips to use online in fair use creations. Right now we support searching for clips to download by anime title, terms like “funny”, “food”, character names, and more!


We also allow our users to create their own personalized collections, as well as the ability to like their favorite clips, all within the platform.

SUGOI Media’s Create New Collection Screen

Our goal at SUGOI is to one day work with rights holders so that anime editors will no longer have to worry about copyright or the legality of editing anime content. It’s a crazy dream, but feel free to check it out and let us know what you think!


Many instagram accounts become wildly popular because they offer clips for editors to download. They often reach truly impressive follower and engagement counts because many require that editors follow and promote their accounts before giving them access to their clips. Although, we don’t think that’s too high a price for the number of clips that they provide!

Instagram anime clip accounts often require that editors follow and promote their accounts before giving them access to their clips.

One of many of these sort of accounts, is Comp.Squad. According to their bio, they’re comprised of 14 members, and not all of their comps belong to them. Although they’ve recently converted to a website, IG is still a huge platform for them — as evidenced through their follower count which exceeds 74k users.

IG Feed for comp.squad


While Tumblr may seem like its time in the spotlight has come and gone, it certainly hasn’t for anime editors! Anime Raws, for example, is one of the most well known and respected sources for anime editors. They offer a large selection of full anime episodes (never with any subtitles and usually very high quality) for editors to download for editing purposes.

anime-raws homepage on tumblr


Another popular platform for grabbing clips is one of the most well-known platforms for video content today — YouTube.

On YouTube you’ll find many compilation edits with pre-edited (and often very short) clips.

Anime Twixtor edits, for example, are wildly popular on YouTube. Twixtor is a plug-in that allows editors to speed up, slow down or frame-rate convert image sequences. Want to add a clip of Killua’s assassination mode in slow motion to your next edit? YouTube likely has what you’re looking for.

YouTube Search Results for Twixtor Anime Clips

In the past, many editors would screen capture these videos clip compilations. However, with YouTube recently granting users the ability to download videos with a premium subscription — sourcing anime clips through YouTube just got a whole lot easier!

Online Communities

Online communities like Discord is another one of the most effective locations for collecting anime clips. The anonymous nature of its platform lends distributers a distinct advantage for sharing these files.

Online communities like Discord is another one of the most effective locations for collecting anime clips.

Discord is also unique in its ability for users to customize their experiences with “bots”. Bots are AIs that can perform a variety of useful automated tasks on a server — so it may come as no surprise to hear that some bots provide anime clips! As an example, AnimeStock, created this bot that searches and retrieves anime clips for editors through Discord.

AnimeStock Searcher Bot Source: AnimeStock

It’s impossible to say just how widespread sharing within these communities has become, but it’s no doubt possible if you’re already an avid discord user!

Anime Torrents

Another common place to find anime wholesale is through torrents. While specific sites and torrents often get taken down, new ones are always quick to replace them. Some editors prefer to download the entire show in order to create their perfect assets. While this provides the most flexibility, it’s also incredibly time consuming and risky.

You can usually find a collection of torrents in any forum or online community, but be warned — your IP is tracked and made available in any sort of peer to peer sharing.

Costly Services

For privacy sake, and while uncommon — there are various platforms and sites that sell clip packs for up and coming editors to use.

They’re a bit harder to find because they are taking on far more legal risks through profiting without permission from rights holders — but they are certainly out there if you’re willing to look!

There are various platforms and sites that sell clip packs for up and coming editors to use.

All in all, the need for anime clips by well-intentioned creatives isn’t going away any time soon — especially within today’s Creator Economy. While most recognize that this space deserves a solution, it’s much less clear as to when someone will actually deliver on that.

Interest in Anime Clips is only increasing over time — Google Trends

Interested in learning more about this space? Maybe you know of more ways of sourcing Anime Clips that we didn’t list here? Or perhaps you’d like to strategize with us to find a way to help rights holders and Anime Content Creators work together?

Let us know by commenting below, or emailing us directly (at We’d love to hear from you!



Maddison Case

Transforming the Anime Industry to include its Hidden Heroes: Anime Content Creators!