SUGOI Media: A Win-Win-Win for the Anime Industry

Maddison Case
Published in
5 min readNov 29, 2020

Win-win-win thinking is a deeply satisfying approach to our business relationships in part because it represents the essence of the Golden Rule — “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Sourced from Pexels

If you’re all about individual profit and win-lose / either-or mindsets, then this article isn’t for you. This is for people who are interested in making a positive impact on the anime industry, and unlocking a brand new door that has been sealed shut for far too long.

Through SUGOI Media, we’re creating a conscious business model that helps everyone it touches — from anime studios and streaming platforms, to creative Anime Content Creators on Instagram and YouTube — to communities of animators and fans alike. A true win-win-win for the anime industry.

A “Win-Win-Win” strategy seeks to find solutions that benefit the parties we interact with, the larger communities that we exist within, and ourselves. As Mackey puts it in his book Conscious Leadership: Elevating Humanity Through Business, this solution seeks to find a “triple victory — good for me, good for you, good for all of us.”

Sure, something like that might sound too corny to ever work out. Most businesses we hear about are eager to destroy players in the spaces they’re entering. Shows like Shark Tank certainly don’t teach us to care about anyone or anything more than ourselves and individual profits. But conscious leaders are out there, and they’re achieving great things with less friction because their attitude encourages a greater level of cooperation and trust. Mackey (CEO of Whole Foods Market), Cheryl Rosner (an executive with Expedia), and so many others have proven that this ethical strategy can succeed.

SUGOI Media is a platform built to support Anime Content Creators — with our eye on the prize of benefitting everyone involved. This article isn’t meant to describe SUGOI Media in detail (if you’re interested in that check this out), but rather it exists to lay out each “win” that we strive for every day. The sections below are purposefully short and sweet. They’re meant to allow you to envision this brighter future, to think about businesses in a heart first way, to see opportunity when it’s laid out before you — rather than getting caught up in the weeds.

Good for you

All parties that we interact with will benefit from SUGOI and our offering. If ever there is a party that feels that they are receiving the short end of the stick, we will do our utmost to find a solution.

Anime Content Creators (ACC’s)

Your creativity and influence will be be encouraged, respected, and supported. You’ll be able to grow within your favorite space with neither fear nor worry about the legitimacy of what you’re building. You’ll also be able to save time when sourcing material to use in your online creations.

(If this is your first time hearing about ACC’s, see my previous article to learn more about these Creators and the wide variety of content that they produce. To learn about how they positively affect the anime industry check out Hidden Heroes of the Anime Industry.)


You’ll open the door to a brand new revenue stream that wasn’t there previously — while strengthening the loyalty of your fans by letting the world know that you support ACC’s. All the while, benefitting from authentic influencer marketing to bring even your smallest titles to the forefront of the marketplace. You’ll rely on your fans to spread the word for you, and marketing will suddenly be a whole lot easier.

Streaming Platforms

You’ll receive more subscribers on your platforms since ACC’s will do all the challenging work of normalizing anime around the world. They will market for you by letting their fans know where they can stream recommended titles — and with your support of ACC’s will come increased loyalty during this era of Streaming Wars.

Good for all of us:

The win-win-win strategy does more than simply help the parties that are interacted with directly. It also encourages benefitting the wider community that we exist within. We don’t take this part lightly, and we’re excited for this to bring a new level of meaning and purpose into our lives.


You’ll receive a new revenue stream from the very people who support you most: ACC’s. Through a portion of proceeds going to a Tokyo based nonprofit we believe in, Animator Dormitory, the industry will be reshaped to ensure that you receive fair pay for the work that you produce.

Anime Fans

You’ll be able to watch a host of high quality AMV’s, theory videos, anime news, and more from your favorite ACC’s. This will enrich your fandom and allow you to relive your favorite moments in multiple mediums while truly feeling connected with your tribe.

Anime Industry

With a brand new marketplace category open (Anime Content Creation), demand for anime content will undoubtedly increase. With that increase, supply will increase — i.e., more anime titles and continued growth of the industry in all its facets.

Good For Me:


We’ll make enough to continually improve our platform and capabilities in order to make our dream of improving the lives of Anime Content Creators, and positively giving back to the industry that gave so much to us, come true.

So there’s the “Win-Win-Win” strategy that we’re striving for! If any of this interests you, if you’d like to be the first anime studio/licensor to partner with us, or if you’re an Anime Content Creator yourself, please connect with us! We’d love to chat, especially if your heart is aligned in the same positive direction as ours is.

SUGOI Media is launching on Dec 14th, 2020. This golden win-win-win strategy will not be achieved immediately after launch because it takes time and more work will need to be done. However, it is worth noting that this is the North Star that we’re aiming for.

Interested in helping out with this journey? Or maybe you’d just like to follow along and see how things progress? Please,

  • If you’re an Anime Content Creator — either aspiring or current — Join our Discord.
  • If you’re a licensor, an anime studio, or a streaming platform, please reach out ( and I’ll personally send you more details on how we can help one another.
  • Signup for our monthly newsletter via our Coming Soon Site.
  • Follow our journey on our Instagram

Thank you so much for your time, and as always:

Adventure on anime enthusiasts!



Maddison Case

Transforming the Anime Industry to include its Hidden Heroes: Anime Content Creators!