Happy 88th Birthday, Mom

Receiving the gift of writing and many, many grandma memories

Mike Butler
8 min readJun 25, 2022


Author photo of (clockwise): Scot, Reese, my mom, me, Bryce, Brenna, and Brady

My mom turns 88 years old on Sunday.

“What do you want for your birthday, Mom?” I asked.

“Will you write me a story about me as a grandma?”

Happy birthday, Mom.

Enjoy your gift.

Photo by author with son Reece.

A son searching for shoes

“I want you to come with me on a journey to a shoe store, ” begins the sermon of the 28-year-old ponytailed pastor with the shaggy, curly beard, and warm, gentle, brown eyes.

Confident, assuring voice.

Paces a few strides to the left, then continues: “I don’t know about you, but I need some shoes.”

Returning to the podium, he glances over his notes and prepares to enunciate every word.

“You already have these shoes in the gospel of Jesus Christ,” states Reece Butler a youth pastor at Lawndale Community Church in Chicago.



Mike Butler

Top NBA, sports, and music writer. Editor for Beyond the Scoreboard.