With an ailing son and no work due to Covid, a Venezuelan Family needs help

The Nieto family’s son was poisoned by black market milk and they now face eviction

Sukanti B
2 min readJun 18, 2020


A picture of the family’s belongings in their apartment on the Colombian-Venezuelan border (photo: the Nieto family)

Cesar Nieto and his wife, Sindy, fled Venezuela to Cúcuta, Colombia in March 2019, along with their six children. They joined millions of Venezuelans who have left their country due to the crippling economic crisis.

In 2017, when there was no milk on the shelves of supermarkets in Venezuela, they were forced to resort tothe black market to obtain formula for their baby, José. The milk was adulterated with quicklime, which poisined their infant and José now suffers from permanent liver damage.

The family left Venezuela hoping to give their children a better life and to give José a chance at life and medical treatment. Over the last year, they have consulted doctors and found a nutrition and medication plan for their son. Tho make this possible they have been working odd jobs informally and selling home-made pastries to support their family. However, the pandemic lockdown has left them with no income, and the family will soon be evicted if they don’t pay rent.

To add to their everyday struggle of sustenance, José’s health has been deteriorating as the family cannot afford his medicines in such trying times. This baby needs urgent medical care while his family continues to struggle with unemployment and hunger.

Your contribution, no matter how small can make life easier for a family that is desperate for help. If you wish to contribute, you can write to me at on Twitter (Sukanti_B) and I will be happy to share relevant details.

Payments will be made directly to the family through Western Union, with no intermediaries and proof of receipt provided.

