Smoothing the Web3 Journey: How Suku is Redefining Crypto Wallets

Alejo Escrivá
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2023

If you are a crypto user, it’s likely you were forced to go through the process of setting up a Web3 wallet using seed phrases, and signing cryptic transactions using long alphanumeric addresses.

How was that process? Overwhelming? Yes, you’re not alone.

As Web3 gains steam, promising a decentralized, secure, and privacy-conscious internet, its adoption actually stumbles upon roadblocks. The top blocker among these? Web3 wallets themselves.

“Figuring out a wallet — period — is the worst thing ever.” — Mark Cuban

In this post, we’ll explore the key issues with Web3 wallets and share how at Suku, we are stepping up to transform this landscape.

The Complexity of Crypto Wallets

Web3’s success lies in its simplicity and user-friendliness, especially in the onboarding process. But right now, setting up a wallet feels more like entering an impenetrable fortress of alien concepts and complex protocols.

At Suku, we aim to shatter the complexity and replace it with approachability.

We polled our community to rank the biggest struggles with Web3 wallets. Most votes went to UX/UI, then seed phrases, and lastly addresses.

Let’s dissect these issues and share what’s our take at Suku.

Problem 1: Seed Phrases

Seed phrases

A term that may sound alien to many. It’s a series of random words crucial for wallet security, acting as the encrypted code providing access to your wallet’s assets. The mantra “Not your keys, not your crypto” emphasizes the importance of managing your own private keys. But lose or forget them, and you’ve lost your funds for good. The enormity of this responsibility can be paralyzing to newcomers.

Ever thought about onboarding into Web3 as easy as logging into your fav social app?

🟢 Suku’s Stand: Security is the top priority. Self-sovereignty is our mantra, ensuring users fully control their assets without intermediaries. But seed phrases can act as a hurdle to widespread Web3 adoption. We’re engineering a future where interacting with Web3 will be as easy as logging into social media — simple, convenient, and extraordinarily secure.

Try the Suku Wallet (beta) >

Problem 2: Crypto Addresses

Crypto addresses are a soup of alphanumeric characters that even the most ardent tech enthusiast or memory master would struggle to remember — leading to the need for additional protocols or patches that try to help but don’t really. This complexity can lead to costly errors and acts as a high barrier to entry.

Ever thought about sending crypto as effortlessly as sending a DM?

🟢 Suku’s take: We believe crypto addresses are overdue for an overhaul. Remember the ICQ messaging app and its user identification numbers? In Web3, we’re still using similarly arcane alphanumeric strings as IDs. At Suku, we’ve developed a protocol that virtually replaces crypto addresses with simple social media @handles, enhancing usability, eliminating the need to ask for addresses, and reducing the risk of transaction errors. From 0x990176747914338765110 to @TooEasy .

Try the Suku Wallet (beta) >

Problem 3: Poor User Experience

Despite big progress, Web3 is still in the early days of UX and UI design, especially regarding wallets. Most often lack intuitive interfaces, falling short of the ease of use we’ve come to expect from our favorite apps like Venmo or Paypal.

Ever wished your Web3 wallet felt as familiar and easy to use as your go-to food delivery app?

🟢 Suku’s take: Wallets should be easy-to-use tools, not puzzles. With the Suku Wallet (beta), we’re reconstructing the concept of a wallet with a laser focus on intuitive design and seamless navigation, striving to make our wallet as familiar as your everyday apps.

Try the Suku Wallet (beta) >


The existing Web3 wallets present formidable challenges to mainstream adoption. But we at Suku are geared up to change that, working to build a wallet that marries simplicity, security, and user-friendliness. Our mission? Turning every internet user into a Web3 user by making it as simple as scrolling through your social media feed or firing off a quick email.

Join the Suku community as we shape the future of Web3. Stay tuned for our progress on Twitter and see how you can participate in this transformation.

About Suku

At Suku, we aim to empower every internet user with Web3 by creating easy-to-use and intuitive tools that seamlessly integrate it into our everyday lives.

Install the Suku Wallet

To experience the Suku Wallet (beta), install it here.

Keen to learn more or get involved?

Head over to our Discord server or Telegram chat. We’re here to help you onboard!

Stay close

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