Suku’s Next Horizon: Fueling Web3

Suku Team
Published in
8 min readJun 9, 2022


At Suku, we firmly believe in the transformative power of Web3 and its potential to create positive change. Our mission has always been to accelerate the adoption of Web3, and while that remains our goal, we are constantly evolving to serve our mission better.

As the world changes around us, we strive to find new and innovative ways to leverage blockchain’s unique value propositions to improve how Web3 participants connect, share, and transact with each other.

However, the current state of Web3 is far from ideal. It is fragmented and siloed, impeding network growth. It lacks sufficient incentives, hindering full traction. And it’s too complex, slowing down adoption. These are just a few of the many obstacles Web3 must overcome before achieving mainstream adoption.

As an industry, we are laying the groundwork for the next generation of the internet, and at Suku, we see a great opportunity to tackle these challenges head-on. That’s why we’ve expanded our focus to improve the areas of Web3 that we believe will have the biggest impact on adoption:

  • Onboarding users through simple tools
  • Powering incentives and experiences that make it worth staying in web3, and
  • Bringing communities together to continue Web3’s expansion.

We ultimately aim to create an ecosystem to bring web3 communities together and connect them, providing simple yet powerful tools and incentives to grow faster and sustainably while unlocking unique experiences and providing real value — all powered by SUKU 🟢


Since the beginning at Suku, we’ve been exploring ways to use decentralized technologies to improve how people and brands interact, share, and transact.

Today we’re excited to share an expansion of our roadmap, one that we believe will help us move faster toward our goal of bringing mass adoption of real Web3, one that is decentralized, inclusive, interoperable, united, and fun.

But first, let’s walk through Suku’s journey.

Looking back

Our journey at Suku began with finding ways to apply blockchain in the supply chain space — still one of the main industry verticals where blockchain tech has the highest adoption — providing traceability solutions to show in a trustless way how a product had been produced.

Later, we expanded to authenticity models using NFTs in the physical world, providing a novel way to show who was the real creator behind a digital product, artwork, or asset, addressing the counterfeit problems plaguing retail and collectibles. As we explored ownership models, it became clear that physical product lifecycles could be extended as NFTs in virtual worlds.

InfiniteWorld, initially a product within the Suku ecosystem, was bred from this link between the virtual and physical worlds. Today we’re incredibly proud to see that InfiniteWorld, now a key partner of our ecosystem, has become a leading solution for brands and creators to onboard and grow in the digital revolution known today as the metaverse.

In this journey, expanding into multiple areas within Web3, we came across many challenges that are too big to overlook — challenges that we’ve decided to tackle today.

Challenge accepted

Here is an overview of some of the initial problems facing Web3 that Suku recognizes and will focus on addressing moving forward:

1. Fragmentation & Siloes

Within Web3, the NFT space, in particular, is overly siloed and disconnected. There are over 80 thousand NFT collections just in Ethereum alone, and very few of them are connected or interact with each other, often requiring their own siloed incentive mechanisms.

But siloed communities won’t take us far. For mass adoption, Web3 needs to go through a globalization phase — become connected and collaborative. Only when it becomes an interoperable network of communities, applications, and platforms will it be ready to serve the needs and wants of the world wide web.

SUKU 🟢 Connects
At Suku, we aim to solve this by fostering connection and collaboration through tools and interoperability layers that any web3 participant, creator, or community, can easily use and integrate. By joining a greater ecosystem, all participants will gain ways to incentivize interactions with other communities beyond what they can do in their siloed ecosystem, making the space more interesting, useful, and fun.

2. Insufficient Incentives & Utility

Web3 is all-encompassing, including the metaverse, gaming, NFTs, DeFi, DAOs, and more. To date, a majority of communities and creators seeking to engage audiences in Web3 have done so with great imagination but limited infrastructure.

NFT collections with little to no utility fall short of leveraging the full promise of Web3’s capabilities. This results in slow growth and a poor experience for the project’s participants, but, even worse, it risks pushing people away from Web3 altogether.

SUKU 🟢 Powers
At Suku, we aim to provide creators and communities with a shared economic layer that can enable them to realize their roadmaps faster, unlock real utility by introducing a myriad of mechanisms such as ‘X-and-Earn’, and bring in the interoperability with other communities needed to take experiences to the next level, resulting in sustainable growth.

3. Complexity & High Barriers of Entry

Keys, seed phrases, cryptography, wallets, DAOs, NFTs, and the list goes on. Web3 is known for its technology-steeped lingo and lousy UX, making it difficult to onboard and navigate platforms and applications. This clearly stands in the way of Web3 adoption.

Only when Web3 becomes easy for most and a substantial number of web3 companies focus on average internet users rather than only well-versed web3 users, will we see an explosion in the space.

SUKU 🟢 Onboards
For that reason, at Suku, we will continue developing easy-to-use tools, such as wallets, platforms, protocols, and education that anyone can leverage to participate and thrive in Web3.

Looking forward: Let’s fuel Web3

Without further ado, here’s the expanded direction of Suku.


We’re on a mission to accelerate the adoption of real Web3, one that is decentralized, interoperable, united, and freaking fun.

We’ll do it by creating an ecosystem of interconnected Web3 communities that anyone can be part of and by powering and building tools that do not suck and foster sustainable and communal growth.

We’re as great as the connections we create.
Let’s connect and expand without limits.
Let’s build the best of Web3, united.

Suku, an ecosystem for all web3 communities

​​Suku is an ecosystem with a shared economy, powered by SUKU, that brings web3 communities together, providing them with simple yet powerful tools to collaborate, unlock utility, and grow sustainably.

We’re thrilled to be augmenting our ecosystem with these 5 amazing partners, and many more to come:

Main areas of focus

Our focus is fueling all Web3, but we plan to start with spaces of high impact and adoption potential: NFTs, metaverse, gaming, and DeFi.

New Objectives. New brand identity.

But that’s not all. We’re also extremely excited to announce a new brand identity and an entirely new website.

It’s common business wisdom that rebranding should only be made if absolutely necessary since the brand, and in particular, the brand identity is commonly one of an organization’s most valuable assets. Which begs the question, why a rebrand?

Well, it was critical for us to embody the new direction and objectives in our brand identity. Heraclitus said that “the only constant is change.” We have grown, and that growth asked us for a change.

We welcome you to the new Suku brand.

Suku’s green flame has grown into a fully lit sun.

What it symbolizes

  • Suku 🟢 Ecosystem: Our commonplace, fostering unity and the connection of all worlds.
  • Suku 🟢 Sun: The economical layer at the center of the universe, fueling the entire ecosystem.

The green orb is dynamic and flexible. Adaptable to every need. Green spheres are commonly associated with new beginnings and a favorable future.

Our ISO will be a fundamental part of our entire identity throughout every piece of communication.

We created a color palette designed to inspire and illuminate, we want to be the focus of light that marks the course of the future, with a complementary color scheme that provides dynamism.

We have also incorporated dynamic gradients as one more element of the Suku universe.

The combination of all these strategic and design decisions reflects our holistic view of the Web3 that we are building with and for the community.

We truly hope you enjoy and embrace our new brand identity as much as we do.

Suku 🟢 Swag

Wrap up

Web3, the decentralized internet owned and ruled by us, the users, can take us to the next level of social order and significantly improve human and business interactions. But the space is still in the early stages, full of challenges.

The growth of Web3 will hinge on solving these challenges, and we believe that Suku, an ecosystem that fosters connections between communities, a neutral and unbiased economy that unlocks utility, and easy-to-use solutions to thrive, can play a big part in the turning point.

We’re optimists. The future is bright for Web3. But for that, we need it to become connected, decentralized, inclusive, interoperable, and united.

We’re here to get there faster and have massive fun in the process.

Thanks for joining us on this journey,
The Suku 🟢 Team

About Suku

Suku aims to create an ecosystem to bring web3 communities together and connect them, providing simple yet powerful tools and incentives to grow faster and sustainably while unlocking unique experiences and providing real value — all, powered by SUKU.

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Suku Team
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Building simple and powerful tools to connect millions of web3 citizens and experiences in one rewarding ecosystem. All powered by SUKU 🟢