Upgrading Suku Wallet: A Step Closer Towards Account Abstraction

Suku Team
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023

Suku Wallet completed an upgrade that took place last week as a milestone on our roadmap to implementing Account Abstraction technology. While we have yet to migrate to EIP-4337, this upgrade is a foundational step in that direction.

What Do Users Need to Do?

No action is needed from Suku Wallet users. However, please note that your wallet’s address has been updated. Rest assured, the new address is still connected to the same Twitter handle.

Assets were unaffected

Assets in the Suku Wallet remain unaffected per the migration. However, if you notice anything amiss, our support team is available on Discord and Telegram.

Security, Our Priority

Concurrently, a vulnerability was brought to our attention by a diligent member of the Suku community. We’re grateful for this proactive engagement and encourage our community to continue reporting any potential security concerns using our public channels (Telegram & Discord).

Upon reviewing the report, our development team pushed a comprehensive fix that enhances the security of our web3 wallet. Crucially, we want to emphasize that the identified vulnerability posed no immediate risk to Suku Wallet users — security remains our priority.

Until its official release, Suku Wallet is still in beta and uses experimental technology such as account abstraction (EIP-4337) that is yet to undergo comprehensive testing. In the meantime, please use it at your own risk.

About Suku

At Suku, we aim to empower every internet user with Web3 by creating easy-to-use and intuitive tools that seamlessly integrate it into our everyday lives.

Install the Suku Wallet

To experience the Suku Wallet, install it here.

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Head over to our Discord server or Telegram chat. We’re here to help you onboard!

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