SUKU Update: December 2018

Suku Team
Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2018

On Monday, November 12, Martin Kaczynski shared the SUKU Platform with the world on the MarketWaves18 stage. You can find the recorded video demonstration here!

Martin’s presentation included an overview of the Platform, giving attendees insight into the vision of SUKU and its key differentiators. He then highlighted the Platform’s initial features, such as the SUKU Marketplace and Track & Trace capabilities. “It was great to be able to share our Platform with the community for the first time. We were able to generate great interest from our demo, and many attendees engaged in further dives of the Platform at our demo kiosk,” Martin said.

The SUKU Team also spent a few days hosting an exhibition booth. Mike Wheaton (CTO), mentioned, “After our demonstration of the SUKU platform, we received a tremendous amount of feedback, and it opened many new doors around solution opportunities where SUKU could be used to improve logistics. Additionally, we further explored opportunities to integrate our Track & Trace and Marketplace solutions to improve management of shipping containers, reduce fraud, and authenticate the lineage of organic deliveries, providing a value proposition from shipper to retail, benefiting the end consumer.”

SUKU Community, meet Bryce Doganer, Blockchain Engineer and the newest addition to our team!

Bryce began his professional journey (quite literally, a journey) sailing ships all around the globe as an engineer. Simultaneously, he found himself gravitating toward continual learning, like building and refining his development skills. Bryce mentions, “I found my passion for coding right out of college and it wasn’t an accident that I stumbled onto blockchain a few years later.”

With a background in Marine Engineering and excellent development skills, Bryce is no stranger to solving complex problems. His technical background and experience with coding fit extremely well with the vision for improving logistics through a modern supply chain platform. When asked, his passion for the vision of SUKU becomes clear, “The vision of increasing global supply chain efficiency, without needing an increase in labor output, will improve the lives of everyone by leveraging blockchain tech. Who doesn’t want to be a part of that?”

Even more pronounced is Bryce’s passion for the impacts of blockchain-based technologies. He elaborates, “Everyone knows about Bitcoin, but once you dive deep into the network that makes it possible, blockchain, you become engrossed in this extremely engaging field. This field is also changing rapidly, which means there are opportunities to research and develop new technologies that will have a major impact on the future of the world.”

Even in his free time, Bryce enjoys contemplating and discussing technology and physics, as well as reading, hiking, and other adrenaline-pumping activities (besides coding). Bryce joined our Atlanta office in late November.

Throughout the month of November, our team continued meeting with a wide range of Technology and Trading Partners all over the world. The team visited conferences such as the Singapore Fintech Festival and MarketWaves18, along with attending meetings and hosting events around the globe.

In the near future, members of our team will be presenting or in attendance at the following events:

To get the latest news and announcements about the SUKU Ecosystem, be sure follow us on social media below:

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with the team directly, please don’t hesitate to reach out to



Suku Team
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