So You’ve Hired Your First Ad Agency

Sullivan Branding
2 min readOct 11, 2016


Becky Hensley

Whether it’s an economic upturn, alignment of the galaxies or coincidence, we’ve seen an influx of clients coming to us who have never worked with an agency before. And I imagine that from their perspective, parts of the typical agency process are frustrating. I may never be able to completely resolve it, but I can at least provide some context. Here are some of the biggest pain points for those new to agency relationships and background on why we approach things the way we do.

  1. We’re up in your business. What is your current marketing mix? Can we have Google Analytics access to your site? What is the lifetime value of your customer? What is your biggest weakness? Ease up, already!
    It’s not just because we’re nosy. As much as you’re able and comfortable, providing answers and information is the best way to save yourself a headache down the road. It ensures we have the full picture we need to create the most successful strategy for your brand.
  2. We’re slow(er than you expected). You’ve hired an agency, and you’re excited to see the fruits of your labor — and your dollars. Cut to six weeks later you’re finally seeing research and account planning results., And you’re wondering , “where is my creative campaign?”.
    Before we spend the bulk of your marketing budget, agencies typically want to be sure we’re all on the same page during various stages. Meaning you won’t see a creative campaign until we agree you need/want a campaign, we’re targeting the right people and our message is geared to get the right results for you.
  3. We’re too literal. Your goal is to increase online sales of X by 5% in June 2017? Well, here is a plan that is literally focused 100% on increasing sales of X by 5% in June 2017. But what about increasing your Facebook fans or boosting employee retention?
    An agency can only help you solve problems they know about. So honesty and openness truly are the best policies in getting what you want and avoiding what you don’t want. Make a list of everything you want to achieve and share it. Even if advertising can’t solve it, it will help the agency focus recommendations on what gives you the most bang for your buck. Or do you only want designs for a package? Tell them!

At the end of the day, any new relationship takes some adjustment and work. But if you go into the partnership with clear expectations and practice open communication, everyone wins!

