At Twilight

Caro Henry
Sum & Substance
Published in
Jul 5, 2024

Blurred boundaries

As daylight fades and twilight takes its place, a sense of enchantment fills the air.

The sky becomes a tapestry of pastel hues, as if nature herself is painting a masterpiece.

The setting sun casts long shadows, stretching across the landscape like silken ribbons.

The world is wrapped in a gentle embrace, as the day and night converge in a delicate dance.

Stars appear overhead, their light piercing through the veil of darkness.

It is a liminal space, a time of transition, where the boundaries between day and night blur, and a portal unlocks to reveal the cosmic code to our existence.

In this ethereal moment, the beauty of twilight whispers secrets to those who are willing to listen.

2024 Copyright Caro Henry

Photo by zenad nabil on Unsplash



Caro Henry
Sum & Substance

Caro Henry explores personal experiences, investigates the human condition, and captures the world through her fiction (short stories and poetry).