
Caro Henry
Sum & Substance
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2024
Echoes of war resonate through time, 
In the far-flung corners of our world,
Blood-soaked soil, a silent witness
To atrocities borne of power's thirst.

Innocent lives, fragile and fleeting,
Lost in the tumult of chaos,
Becoming mere shadows in the storm,
Collateral damage of a relentless tide.

Yet, amid desolation,
A yearning emerges, a whisper of hope,
For a world where diplomacy reigns,
Where peace triumphs over the clamor of conflict.

Amidst the ruins, a vision unfolds,
Of voices raised in harmony,
Of hearts united in compassion,
Where the echoes of war fade into oblivion.

In this realm of imagined serenity,
Peace stands as a steadfast sentinel,
Guarding against the ravages of discord,
A beacon of light in the darkness of strife.

May we heed the call of unity,
Rise above the echoes of war,
And sculpt a future where peace,
In its purest form, prevails.

2024 Copyright Caro Henry

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

Damaged City of Lille, During German Occupation, World War I, 1916



Caro Henry
Sum & Substance

Caro Henry explores personal experiences, investigates the human condition, and captures the world through her fiction (short stories and poetry).