Clouds Illusions

Caro Henry
Sum & Substance
Published in
1 min readJun 7, 2024

Ephemeral Tales

I look skyward and am enveloped in a realm of endless creativity. Above, a vast expanse of cerulean serves as a canvas for my boundless imagination.

Soft clouds drift leisurely, morphing into intricate shapes before my eyes.

A formidable dragon materializes, its regal presence emanating from the billowy white, its iridescent scales catching the sun’s radiant beams.

Amidst this ethereal display, a grand castle emerges, its spires stretching skyward in a defiant reach towards the heavens. Silhouetted against the ever-shifting backdrop of the sky, it stands as a symbol of strength and resilience.

The clouds, like ancient bards, weave tales of yore and forgotten aspirations, their whispered narratives carrying echoes of bygone eras.

In a mesmerizing spectacle, the clouds beckon me to immerse myself in their fleeting allure, urging my mind to soar into their ephemeral tendrils.

Within this fleeting moment, the sky transforms into a gateway to a world where the inconceivable thrives, where the boundaries between reverie and reality blur in a mesmerizing ballet of whimsical possibilities.

2024 Copyright Caro Henry

Art by soupstock



Caro Henry
Sum & Substance

Caro Henry explores personal experiences, investigates the human condition, and captures the world through her fiction (short stories and poetry).