Entry 10

Ava Closson
Summer Capstone 2019
2 min readJul 29, 2019

Last week or so I sent out a survey, and I’d paired the questions down from entry 8. For this survey, I focused more on just the school experience, bullying, and the bystander effect. I was going to wait until I had visuals to go with my survey so that I wasn’t sending out multiple surveys, but after talking with my professor he suggested that I go ahead and send out what I had, and that this could help inform my visual directions. As of right now, the survey has 7 responses, but I’ve spoken with a teacher at Diamond Oaks and she said she’d be happy to have her students take it but it won’t be until later in August. So, I will keep my quiz open for a while and keep pushing it on social media.

Survey: https://forms.gle/zBCwEFLhosRQDhx6A

I have reached out to one of my old teachers who teaches middle and high school, but I haven’t heard back yet, probably because she’s not checking her school email over the summer! But, I think she’d be a great person to talk to because she teaches both middle and high school, and is one of those teachers who gets close with a lot of her students. She’d always open up her room during lunch for any students who wanted to eat and talk in her classroom instead of the cafeteria. She may also be able to give my survey to her students or give me names of students that I should reach out to to interview.

I’ve also made 3 different mood boards: a bright, colorful one, an informative one, and a more serious one. I am most drawn to the bright, fun one, and I think that most middle school students would be too, but I haven’t gotten any visual feedback yet to confirm.

