I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

Maria Fisher
Summer Capstone 2019
3 min readJul 29, 2019

Like the Little Engine that Could, I’m still chugging along…

It’s crazy to think that this semester is so close to being over. It’s gone by way too quickly. There’s still so much I’d like to do by the end of this semester, but life keeps happening, and things get pushed back. I have made some good progress on my script though! It was a lot harder to go through than I thought it would be but I’m liking where it’s going. My good friend, Cara, has been a HUGE help with it. It all comes so naturally to her so I really appreciate her guidance. I’ve also been thinking about sending it over to the copywriter/proofreader at Deskey (my last co-op) so she can tell me if I should make any edits. All in all, I think I’m making good progress with the script.

Now as for the actual design, I’m a little behind schedule. I have an overall idea of what I want it to look like, but I haven’t yet gotten down to business with sketching and storyboarding out my plans. But like DJ told me, sitting down for a good 3 hours with ZERO distractions, I’ll be able to bust some good designs out. I just need to clear my schedule, work on NOTHING ELSE, no wifi, no Netflix, no nothing. I believe I can do it.

I enjoy the historical designers and inspirations segment of the class we are doing nowadays. It’s a good reminder to look back at what’s been done before in a different time to design in the way we are now. It’s crazy because in my PechaKucha, I used some of Saul Bass’ work as my inspiration and totally forgot about it until DJ brought it up during our 1on1. I really think I can use his style as inspiration for the way I’m going to do my animations. I love the angular shapes and simplicity of the design. Even the typefaces being all caps and irregular fits well with the style I want to communicate.

It’s also getting to that time that I need start to thinking about the technical skills I have when animating. Although I would say I have a good understanding of motion software, there is ALWAYS more to learn. Especially when working a big explainer video like I am doing now. The things that you don’t think about, like organizing layers, setting up files, etc., are the ones that are gonna get you in the end. I’ve been following Motion Design School for a while now. They post their student’s to Instagram and it all turns out amazing. One specific course they have provides every aspect of a big animation project and how to efficiently and effortlessly go about one. It seems like something that would be very beneficial to me not only for my capstone, but my future in motion design. I’m deciding whether I’m going to try it or not but if I do, it will be during my co-op semester so I can build up those skills and go right into animating for my last school semester.

Motion Design School — Example of Student Work

