Jewish Holiday Cookbooks

Sivan Dayan
Summer Capstone 2019
2 min readJul 1, 2019

A Collection


I am making a Jewish Holiday cookbook collection for Jewish Americans aged 18 to 30 so that they can learn about their history/culture through food.


Constraint One: Audience

Jewish Americans (ages 18–30) who have lost touch with their culture and history. I want it to be modern and engaging while still relating it back to the older history/culture of Judaism.

Constraint Two: Content

The content will include recipes for different Jewish holidays, potentially Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Hannukah, Passover, and Purim, which are joyous holidays filled with traditions revolving around food and celebration. I’d also like to include a section with more information on the history behind each holiday (storybook section?).

Constraint Three: Medium

This will be a collection of 5(?) book, so the medium will be print. The content will be split between 5 books, one per holiday.

Immediate Outcome

My immediate outcome is to educate young Jewish Americans on 5 main Jewish holidays and recipes for food for those holidays.

Intermediate Outcome

My intermediate outcome is to reconnect young Jewish Americans to their culture/history of their people/religion.



  • Where will I get my content?
  • How do I design an engaging book?
  • Where do I illustrate vs photograph?
  • Is my project narrow enough? Is it too narrow?
  • How do I create something that relates both to a younger generation and the older history of an entire religion?


  • Cookbooks
  • Family
  • Family’s synagogues
  • Food

Research Methods

  • Reading books
  • Interviewing
  • Photographing


Summer 2019

  • Chosen holiday for cookbook
  • & corresponding chosen 5–10 recipes
  • Outlining other holidays’ cookbook contents
  • Begin photographing recipes
  • Begin illustrating holiday history sections (if I decide to do that)

Spring 2020

  • One finished and printed holiday cookbook
  • Covers and proposed content for other 4 cookbooks
  • If I have time, designing and printing all 5 cookbooks
  • Maybe some marketing collateral for the cook


none right now

