2. Pecha Kucha

Kate Crotty
Summer Capstone 2019
2 min readJun 1, 2019

The Pecha Kucha presentation was very useful in terms of “rapid fire” ideas. It allowed us to develop ideas in quantity and not be forced to reach perfection. This was especially useful for me because I tend not to share ideas until I feel they are well thought out and developed. Once I got started, it became easier to flesh out ideas and reflect on what I’m truly interested in. I realized that I’m not interested in anything relating to my culture or identity; as the topic has been tried and I feel burnout. I was looking through the Notes in my phone and came across my thread of idioms and expressions that make me laugh. I remembered the time at my P&G co-op when my boss told me the executives in her meeting were “navel-gazing.” I misunderstood and heard “navel-grazing.” Before I googled it a million different ideas of what navel-grazing could mean went through my head. I still chuckle to this day, at what I heard and how I interpreted it. My friend Bianca has so many ways to call people dumb. Some of my favorite: “His elevator doesn’t reach the top floor.” “He doesn’t have all of the fries in his happy meal.” I remember when I first watched Akeelah and The Bee. My favorite expression learned was when Xavier was facilitating the game of Scrabble; “You could cut the tension with a butter knife.”

I love word play, and I think the Pecha Kucha helped me realize that linguistics is a direction I want to go in.

