Week 9: Into the Grit

Bella Berger
Summer Capstone 2019
2 min readJul 17, 2019

Visualizing ethics is tough. Reformatting Ruined by Design into a two minute script is even tougher.

Setting the visual tone.

Script Progress

This past weekend I continued to make my way through Ruined by Design. I’m normally a quick reader but I have been meticulously annotating the book so it’s been a slow read. Until I finish the book, my script will not be complete. The basis of my script will be the code of ethics but I want to incorporate Mike’s captivating sarcasm into the animation. The toughest part is choosing which lines will make it. I’m only a third into the book and it’s already full of highlighted passages and underlined phrases.

Sunday Update: Finished the book on a road trip this weekend. Time to move forward with the fun stuff 🎉

Visual System Progress

To help ideate the look, tone and feel of my final artifact, I decided to get physical with my hands. I gathered up old paper materials from my parents housing. Materials include: vintage newspaper, National Geographic, Color-Aid and construction paper.

Schedule Update

  • Gather lines to put in script
  • Begin to visualize each of the ten ethics
  • Continue to practice collaging
  • Gather paper and printed materials for animation assets (newspapers, old books, old photographs, old textures)
  • Define color palette
Top of my benchmark list.

