Capstone Visual Play

Aleah Oxley
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
3 min readAug 2, 2021

But Also.. is an animated typographic poster system that educates the negative impact on abortion bans for 18–40 years old pro-life influenced, on-the-fence women who frequent the greater Atlanta, GA.

In order to create a visual identity for a poster system, let alone the graphic content, I played with form making. How should my type look? What happens if I stretch it? What about transparency overlays? How do I convey motion? What tone am I trying to portray?

I plan to continue toying with the idea of how my visuals can look to create a strong impact. For now, here is what my mind drifted to:

I’ve noticed that I have problems expanding beyond an idea in my creative process sometimes (often). I somehow managed to keep most of my visuals to no more than 2 that are completely derivatives of one another. Some visuals are copies that I began experimenting with applying textures and overlays.

Of all of these visual discoveries, I find the most fascinating my use of finger painting to create textures. I’m then able to take those textures and apply them to above, behind, or involved in some way with my typography. I consider using this as part of my system that brings a sense of bombastic realism to my project. I only worry that would not necessarily attract or come across in the right way to my audience; these are things to consider.

