Capstone Visuals + Form Making

Aleah Oxley
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
3 min readJul 27, 2021

But Also.. is an animation artifact system that educates the negative impact on abortion bans for 18–40 years old pro-life influenced, on-the-fence women who frequent the greater Atlanta, GA.

What is an animation artifact system you ask? I’m not sure yet.

I want to create small animations that engage the audience, while delivering perspectives of information for the audience to consider. Despite that my pro-life audience will not likely be interested in hearing about reasons to consider abortion as an option, my visuals are (so far) very loud about the subject. Something I plan to continue to experiment is a way to create these visuals that are bold in entrancing the audience, but soft in the approach of the subject. As long as I remain on the topic of who faces consequences, and relate it to being “anyone,” not just people who make “bad choices” in their life, I feel confident I can find a way to make my point across: abortion bans create more consequences than solutions.

Here are my first visuals when playing with the title:

Here is my first visual playing with my concept directions (each a separate general consequence from abortion):

My mindset was addressing a good amount of the problems that unwanted children generally face, based on research and my personal experience knowing people who were unwanted at birth. All of these problems essentially turn into a confusing maze the unwanted children face throughout their life—no seriously, from childhood to adulthood. This consequence is one of the most overlooked outcomes from abortion bans (aka forced pregnancy and childbearing). I hope to make a huge impact with this consequence alone, as most pro-life supporters ALWAYS suggest that the pregnant woman carries to pregnancy, then gives them up for adoption. There are multiple reasons as to why that’s f***ed, but one thing I definitely want to get my audience to understand is how this will affect that unwanted child for the rest of their life, even if by thin chance they are adopted into a completely accepting, loving, and understanding home. What many adopted/fostered children face is exploitation for money, compromised care for parental control reasons, poorer education (not guaranteed, but it happens), and so many other disadvantages. They aren’t set up to succeed in life like their counterparts who happened to be born into a loving home with parents completely prepared to embrace having a child. Again, 20% of minors who turn 18 in the US foster care/adoption centers immediately become homeless. This all comes out from the dirt in time though, because when we look at the roots, the fact is the child was not wanted. You reap what you sew.

An note to unwanted children:

It’s okay that you’re here now. It is in your best interest that you try to find peace with the fact that you are here, and live life for yourself. Once infant life is separate from their mother, they are starting their individual journey. Sure having maternal protection would have helped. If it’s not there, it’s not there; and the child will need to learn who to invest their time and energy in. It’s hard to face life knowing we weren’t wanted to begin with, but I hope we can decrease the number of children who face this depressing life and all of its unnecessary consequences.

