Design Methodology Entry 4

Allison Miller
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
3 min readJun 4, 2021

Reflecting on project proposal process


About my proposed project(s).
After self reflection and some feedback, I think to make my project more manageable I will focus on the exhibit aspect of my project. I will still allude to the guide aspect, but I agree that tackling both fully would be a lot, so the exhibit will be a good jumping off point. The way I am picturing it (picturing it now, so it can totally and will probably change) is that the guide would be a big part of the exhibit, but while I think about it, it would still be very important for the exhibits elements to be able to stand alone. That being said, I think it makes sense for me to put my focus there.

I do think this area will have the most impact, because that way anyone cold approach it without being prepared with a guide or app and can still takeaway the benefits of the exhibit. I do think that this is also what would be the most exciting to me, so I am happy to focus in more.

And we talked about this in class, but I will also focus in more topically. I am still not sure specifically what “sub-topic” to focus on, but have beeb considering many possibilities over this past week. Some of the things could include art in Cincinnati or even more specifically the murals or the pigs, music in Cincinnati, gentrification effects, food culture, or focusing on a specific area like a park, or the river or something like that. I’m still thinking here, so I am sure there will be more ideas to discuss in coming weeks.

About my sources.

I will be honest, I haven’t thought too much about this yet. I will be doing some of those worksheets that we talked about in class this next week, so I think I will have more of a handle on this once I do that.

Primary: DJ commented on my faculty review with the name of a local historian that I can reach out to, which is great. Additionally, living in Cincinnati, I am confident that I can find other people to reach out to or places to look at on my own. Because I am making this exhibit for kids, I can also talk to kids as I go through the process, both to make sure it is understandable and to make sure it is visually engaging for them.

Secondary: I can for sure look at the museum center, as they have a Cincinnati exhibit. I can also look up articles from historians or that pertain to whatever area I choose to focus on. I think that there are a lot of existing sources to look at.

Overall, I am excited about the directing things are heading. I know over the next week or so my main focus will be getting more and more specific and going through my options to figure out which sub-topic I’d like to pursue.

