Design Methodology Entry 7

Allison Miller
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
3 min readJun 23, 2021

Imagining DAAP Works

My Very Rough Miro Drawing of my DAAP Works Booth

I imagine (for right now)(I am SURE this will look completely different) my DAAP Works booth to have a few different elements. I like audience interaction, so I think it would be cool to have some type of voting element where people could vote about their current experience with the parks and how they have felt connected to public spaces.

Then there would be a table with the project part. I imagine some kind of tri-fold (but something cooler than that) that that would have 3 elements : First would be some kind of “map” that would overview the connection of the different “stops” in the experience and show the park as a whole. Because it’s surrounding the park, I think that aspect is important. Then in the middle will be the beef of the project that would show the EGD part, show the system of signs and examples of what it would look like and content. Then on the other fold out will be more of an about section giving context to the park and purpose.

On the table could be an example of a brochure you might get at the park info center that could map out the experience and give you more info. But this would be a more secondary element. The table might also have some fun interactive things that people would use at the park. (ie magnifying glass)

I would definitely want to prioritize the interactive-ness of this project because that is what makes it exciting for me, so I would like people viewing the project to feel that as well.

These are the emails we wrote :

Dear Ally,
I was intrigued by your Daap works presentation because it related to my city and my kids’ understanding of Cincinnati. Your project made me feel excited to explore the history behind Cincinnati plants to engage in sensing important roles of community. Therefore, I hope to use your research and design system to facilitate conversations about the native species.
Jane from the Cincinnati Parks Dept.


Dear Ally,
Can you elaborate on how you have come across this topic? I find the topic of Cincinnati recreational spaces very close to my heart and insightful. When I was recently at one of the parks, I noticed there was a common occurrence of horticulture. However, there was not adequate information on the origin of the plants. Would you be able to have a conversation with me about those plants to fill in the missing gaps?
Please respond to me at your earliest convenience.

While this exercise was kind of rough, I do think it was good to start thinking about this, because it makes me more excited about the idea of what people will get out of the experience of seeing my capstone.

Using both of these emails for a starting point, what I would want someone to experience at my DAAP Works booth is some kind of better understanding and connection to the park and to the public space in their area. I like the idea of someone leaving my booth feeling surprised that this place exists so close to where they live. I love finding hidden gems in my own places, so it would be cool to turn this into one for them. I also love the idea of knowing more about the history and natural world in your area and how every person can play a role in conserving both history and the environment if they have that awareness. It would be good to let this be a way that people make that connection and become excited about their role.

