Design Methodology Week 11

Allison Miller
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
2 min readJul 26, 2021

Starting to make!

The Sketches I Made Last Week

Making these forms was a fun exploration. I might continue to explore these types of sketches, because I feel like it’s helping me get the wheels turning about which park of the project should be the emphasis.

For the first sketch, I focused less on legibility and more on a similar exploration to the round robin presentation. I used the tree trunks as the “pillars” of the project, which were interactive EGD, education and excitement, and plant life in Mt. Airy.

My second sketch was more about the texture of plants. It got me thinking about what is looks like to use the natural space as part of the medium for the visuals. One of the things in my manifesto was to make sure I was not taking away from nature, so it could be cool to explore a fun way to incorporate a natural look into the design.

My third sketch is focused on the specific words. I gave each word a color based on my own perception of it. Obviously since I assigned colors, this one is more applicable to me, as color meaning is so subjective. But this one was interesting when thinking about which things felt most important or sparked more emotion.

Finally, my last sketch was to put the statement into a forest space. I also love the type in this one, because it feels very playful but natural in its flow to me, and that’s something I want to achieve in the greater project. Obviously this is not at all what the panels would look like at Mt. Airy, but putting the words into space does have me thinking a lot about that aspect of adding to and not taking away from what is there.

I think my favorite sketch from these is the second one with the leaf texture. I think there is a lot of potential there to look at plant form and texture but to still be really playful and experimental. I will consider that this week when I’m making!

