Weekly Medium Entry 12

Sophia Schultz
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
2 min readJul 30, 2021

I really wasn’t sure what to write for this week’s medium entry, so I thought I just might go over my remaining to-do-list for this semester and my plans for the future regarding Capstone. So far I’ve managed to get a lot done including the style direction I want to go in, character studies, and some initial storyboards. I still have my test animation (of a pit bull walk cycle) and initial script to finish but I feel really good with where I’m at with both progress-wise. Neither should be difficult to finish. Admittedly, I am kinda dreading the tediousness of finishing and coloring my walk cycle. In-between-ing the main frames is the bane of my existence.

As for the fall, I’ve really tried to schedule myself where I won’t have to work on Capstone a lot during that time. I know myself well enough that I’m not going to want to use my free time to work on it and I have other little motion ideas for my portfolio that I want to spend time on. I may work on refining my storyboards and creating some strong style frames during the fall just because I know that I’ll enjoy it and those elements aren’t super tricky to complete.

Before the end of this semester I want to get my storyboard and script pretty tightened up (at least in terms of content) so that I can really devote myself to actually creating assets and animating during the spring. Animating always takes longer than I think it’s going to so I want to give myself plenty of flexibility in adapting other tasks (voice recording, title/end credits, editing) around that. Like I said, overall, I feel really good about where I’m at. Best of all I’m excited to really get in to creating and refining more things for this project.

