Milly Turner
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
3 min readAug 4, 2021

Maybe I was not caught up in week 6 after all.

I had to spend a lot of time actually deciding what my project would even be. Now that we’ve finally arrived at an approved idea–it’s time to back track a little bit and fill in some gaps.


My DAAPWorks booth will likely have some of my workshop materials available for anyone who wants to participate. I will also have a laptop/desktop of course displaying the microsite and encouraging people to interact.


WEEK 9–11

Form Making and Visual Exploration

I had a lot of fun playing with type and color, despite knowing my exact palette and type hierarchy will be determined by the outcome of the workshop.


We made it! Final project statement and Gantt Chart here:

Everyone views the word through a different lens. [Z] explores how this lens shifts in tandem with generational progression and demonstrates the way Generation Z is percieved in contrast to older generations. [Z] will convey the different ways in which typography can be used to convey data, personal experience, and anecdotes. [Z] explores type as a vessel for expression and allows room for flexibility, interpretation, and intentional inconsistencies. According to Anne-Marie Willis, an expert in ontological design, “we design our world, while our world acts back on us and designs us.”1 The ultimate goal of [Z] is to cause people to question their biases.

In terms of format I will be facilitating a workshop and designing a site to showcase my findings.

Workshop/ Participatory workshop that will produce the majority of content for the digital artifact. I will need to develop event collateral (invitations, how to get there, prepare, etc. introductory presentation). I will also need to provide a plethora of materials to do some analog collaging/sketching.

Microsite/ Conveys intent of the project, displays a combination of qualitiative information gathered from primary research and quantitative information gathered by secondary research, only one scrollable page*

  • Opportunity to expand post-graduation

The immediate goal of this project is to facilitate conversation surrounding the perception of Gen Z. The audience will reflect on their perceptions of young people and ideally work towards better understanding their perspective. In tandem, Gen Z will better understand how/why they are perceived in a certain way.

I can’t wait to organize and facilitate this workshop. Over the fall semester I will need to gather my participant group, work towards hypotheses I plan on testing, and consider all the logistics of hosting the workshop (who will record, etc.)

