Working Capstone Brief

Aleah Oxley
Summer Capstone 2021 — Section 2
3 min readJul 1, 2021

But Also.. :

A motion poster series on the consequences of abortion bans.

This project will allow me to use my voice to speak out against the consequences of abortion bans and why they are more problematic than beneficial to the general United States population. Without people urging to explain outweighing the costs from the benefits to abortion bans, I believe we are only allowing personal biases to prevent women from having rights on their individual reproductive systems.


Even after Roe v Wade was determined constitutional in 1973, there have been groups of Americans, including legislators, attacking women’s rights to their own individual reproductive systems. There have been over 1,300 abortion bans made in the United States since then. It is important to understand the impact this makes on society from a humanitarian perspective. In order to do this, it is important to demonstrate the historical aftermath of abortion bans versus the aftermath to allow abortions. This project will be a visual representation of how those who are affected by abortion bans feel as we continue to allow them into our modern day United

Stats society. It should appeal to the audience’s sense of empathy for those who are personally affected by abortion bans.

But Also.. is a motion poster series that educates the negative impact on abortion bans for conservative, pro-life women within the Atlanta area.“

Audience (Constraint 1)

As I spend more time in the greater Atlanta area, I decided to target conservative, pro-life women who frequent the Atlanta area. This might be specifically in affluent areas such as Midtown or Buckhead.

Content (Constraint 2)

My content will educate the facts about abortion rates before and after abortion bans, illegal abortion methods and their affects, how this is a violation on women’s rights, personal testimony from women who have been affected by abortion issues who are pro-choice and pro-life, and suggest the range of experiences unwanted children can face after birth.

Format (Constraint 3)

My motion poster series will use imagery, text, color and motion speed to evoke empathy and logic from my audience.

Immediate Outcome:

The audience will understand that women will seek dangerous methods when banned from abortion, which risks women’s lives more than lifting the ban on abortions for safe access to their personal reproductive system.

The audience recognizes the correlation of foster kids/orphans to forced pregnancies and unwanted children.

Intermediate Outcome Statement:

The audience understands that forcing women to carry unwanted children to life is wrong because it only creates more problems.

The audience understands that incriminating women for aborting is unfair because women deserve rights to making decisions that is best for them as an individual, as well as for the quality of life for their unwanted child.

Ultimate Outcome Statement:

(Some) Conservative, pro-life women in Atlanta understand it is discrimination against women’s rights to suggest that women cannot make that personally-affected decision for themself, but someone else must make it for them.

They might consider that the woman’s life is slightly more valuable than the fetus’ life because she has to be currently existing in order for the fetus to exist.

They recognize adult women have less rights than an unborn child — a non-living organism has rights that trump a living organism’s.

