The 6 Workouts for a 6 Pack!

Titan Features
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2016

It is no secret that abs in American culture is an asset that everybody wants. But what if there was a way to earn earn each of those notches without going through a burning agony of pain. There isn’t, but there are six simple workout that you can do to definitely help get those results. Simply put, here are the six essential ab workouts that you have to do, if you are even considering trying to get a six pack.

Leg Raises - Sure it’s basic and everyone and their mom knows how to do this, but that isn’t without reason. Leg raises are effective in burning and targeting your lower abdominal muscles giving you the defining line between a four, a six or an eight pack. The key to this workout is to NOT let your feet touch the ground while you are doing your set. That way, you body will continuously be under pressure, and your lower abs are bound to form. The general form for this workout is to keep your arms above your head or perpendicular to your feet, then raise your legs in smooth and controlled manner. Careful about your surroundings, because this workout will take your breath away.

2. Dying Cockroach-It may sound nasty and ineffective, but this workout alone works on both your upper and lower abdominal muscles. The key to this workout is to keep your stomach tightened as you do each rep of the workout. To begin this workout, lay flat on your back with your arm straight above your head and your legs in a similar fashion but straight below you. When you breathe in, bring both your arms and your legs together. Your fingers should be touching your ears, and your elbow should be touching your knees. The name comes from the fact that you look like a dying roach after each rep.

3. Planks: Planks are the easiest to do, but easiest to slack off on. All you need to do is stay on your toes, lay on your belly, and then lift yourself up with your forearms. Maintain this position for at least a minute before laying back down to achieve the best results. Be sure to maintain a straight back, and lower your butt down to the ground! Works best if you laugh, because laughing your pain away is necessary to continue these workouts.

4. Side Crunches: With all the other workouts focusing on your lower and upper core, this would be the first to fine tune your obliques. In order to do this workout, kneel on the ground and lean in either left and place your left or right hand on the ground. With the other hand, place it behind your head, while pointing said elbow towards the ceiling.

5. Flutter Kicks: As inelegant and miserable this workout makes you feel, it is a vital workout to establish a strong core. This workout focus on your obliques as well as your lower abdominals. In order to do this workout, you must lay on your back, and place your hands behind your butt. Then lift your legs up about 6–12 inches above the ground and alternatively

6. Russian Twist: Perhaps the scariest sounding workout, yet the most effective in targeting your abdominal as a whole. This focuses on your lower, upper abdominal, as well as your obliques. The proper techniques is to be on the floor in sit-up position with your back straight. Then with a weighted ball or apparatus, rotate your hips in a 45 degree manner.

