Jizo Keeps an Eye out

Jan Cornall
Summer Grass
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2018

a Japanese journey, by Robin Laurie

Robin Laurie captures moments from our eight day haiku walking journey from Ena to Karuizawa, along mountain paths through villages and towns, catching an occasional local train or bus and staying in traditional ryokans.

so handsome, those young railway men

in their pristine black uniform and hat

bowing as they leave one carriage

bowing as they enter the next

Japanese garden: water, rocks, clipped trees, lines of light and shade

cool piano jazz in the dining room

worlds meet

post office kindness

a neat white box filled

a weight removed

a raven, a sparrow and an insect fly past

we wait for the train

young men patrol their shops

buses discharge Japanese tourists in face masks and small hats

a hawk circles overhead

it’s a constant effort

maintaining the path up the mountain

to the castle ruins

a tiny silver plane floats past the tip of the mountain

a butterfly lands at my feet

amongst the trees

an invisible bird and I have a whistled conversation

I grin like a madwoman

one shabu shabu after another

it’s all starting to blur blur

feet swish, stomp, squelch and slide

walking poles leave a line of holes

marking our passing

Mt Ontake watches us then hides

appears again

at dusk we return its gaze through the ryokan window

the air carries the touch of snow

I feel it on my skin

tiny perfect pine cones

so beautiful

you’d need a lot to make a warming fire

Mt Ontake circles us

Jizo keeps an eye out under his red beret

travellers walking through history

everything changes

water rushes, mountains slide

flowers burst, children die

a schoolgirl skips stones on the river

we smile and wave goodbye

cobblestones echo

the slap of a million footfalls

porters sweat, samurai grunt

a metal water bottle tings against a purple back pack

thank the gods, it’s spring

a small glade filled with flattened grass

a boisterous bear’s playpen

or aftermath of the weight of winter snow?

as we walk

sometimes I am first, sometimes last

that’s just how it is

acorns on the path

scratch marks in the ground

a bear’s dining room

I quicken my pace

I think I could walk forever

turn and do it all again

twin addictions: walking and good writing company

I love train stations

more personal than airports

and less bling

Tokyo bullet train

Each in our separate seats

Re-entry begins

©Robin Laurie Japan 2018

Robin Laurie works in the performing arts industry as a director and facilitator and likes to dabble in the haiku form. Robin was a participant in Haiku Walking — The Nakasendo Way in 2018.

Robin, fresh from the onsen.

Photos by Jan Cornall, taken along the Nakasendo Way in 2018.

Our next haiku adventure will be Haiku Snow Walk in Japan’s snow country in Jan/Feb 2019. More details here.

The next Moroccan Caravan is currently in planning and will take place in March 1–15, 2019. Beginning in Tangier it will travel via Chefchaouen (the blue city) and Fes arriving in Tissardmine for our desert sojourn and camel trek.




Jan Cornall
Summer Grass

Writer,traveler-leads international creativity retreats. Come write with me at www.writersjourney.com.au