Jan Cornall
Summer Grass
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2019



words and images by Sande Bruch

waved at the toddler

he cried —
a WET morning


the biscuit
milky burgundy

collaging in foyer

borrowed scissors


gluing with lip balm

looked same on shelf

on my collage


natural face —

facing up to the HARD hills

Photo by Jan Cornall

© Sande Bruch 2019

Sande Bruch is a painter, printmaker, collage artist, poet, community singer, meditation facilitator, space shaper....

She joined our Kumano Kodo Haiku Walk in Japan in Oct 2019 and was inspired to experiment with the use of capitals after the style of beat poet Michael McClure.

Summer Grass showcases the haiku inspired work of artists/writers who took part in Haiku Walking in Japan from 2016 -2019 with Writer’s Journey, led by writing tutor, Jan Cornall.

Read more contributions on other pages of Summer Grass here.

To find out more about Haiku Walking in Japan contact Jan or join our mailing list here.

For our Japan walks writersjourney.com.au partners with www.walkjapan.com



Jan Cornall
Summer Grass

Writer,traveler-leads international creativity retreats. Come write with me at www.writersjourney.com.au