Frank Weber: The Balladeer Who Should Have Been as Famous As Billy Joel

Eric Carlson
Grand Bazaar
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2020


And you’ve probably never heard of him

The back image of Weber’s album As The Time Flies

Whatever happened to Frank Weber? I find myself asking that question as I sail through the sunset light on the outskirts of town, a song by Weber playing loud out of my speakers.

The song is “‘71”, Weber’s ode to his younger years in the early 70s. And oh what a time it must have been, when music seemed like a far-reaching horizon he could follow forever.

“‘71” is the consummate ’70s pop hit, featuring warm piano chords, a punchy, latin-influenced rhythm, and a chorus of voices adding color and depth to the melody. It’s the kind of song you can put on in the summer and listen to as you coast down the highway without a care in the world.

“Tell me did you feel the same about ‘71?

Was it my imagination or did we seem to have more fun?

But those years are gone and there’s nothing to be done with all these memories.

Cause I got 25 behind me and a lot more left to come.”



Eric Carlson
Grand Bazaar

I write, I play music. Work in Urban Planning, Graphic Design, and Marketing. Sometimes I feel like I need less hobbies.