Decision making is killing organizations

Most organizations don’t decide how to decide and that’s a mistake

Jonny McCormick
Summit Plus


I’d argue that in most organisations the biggest challenge isn’t how to launch in new markets, what new products to launch, how to grow your bottom line by 50%, or how to scale up your team. The biggest challenge is how to make decisions. This has a knock on consequence for all the things mentioned above, and more! Therefore, it makes sense to invest some time in understanding how to make decisions and what you might need to avoid.

There are three super common challenges when it comes to decision making:

1. Having too many people involved.

2. Not having enough people involved.

3. Getting the right people involved.

Let’s look at each in turn.


You’ll often hear prevailing wisdom like “two heads are better than one” or “many hands make light work” and these are certainly true in some instances but often these trite pieces of advice are applied carte blanche and organisations soon find themselves in a decision making stalemate. When too many people are involved in a decision and their role isn’t defined it can often lead to consensus being…

