SUMOHeavy Weekly — Issue #39

Bart Mroz
SUMO Heavy
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2016

Featured Content

Social Media Referrals to eCommerce Sites Have Increased 198 Percent

Here’s another very good reason for your business to be more active on social media.

A new study of over 1,000 U.S. consumers by Sumo Heavy Industries, a digital commerce strategy firm, has found a 198 percent increase in social media referral traffic to eCommerce sites between 2014 and 2015.
[Read the full post]

What We’re Reading

Google wants to deliver packages from self-driving trucks

Look out, Amazon. A new patent awarded to Google today suggests that the search giant is looking into developing self-driving delivery trucks, just as Amazon readies its autonomous delivery drone fleet. Google’s patent outlines what it calls an “autonomous delivery platform” for delivery trucks.

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Social Commerce in Review: Top Social eCommerce
Social commerce isn’t slowing down. In 2016, according to Business Insider, social increased its share of eCommerce referrals nearly 200% from 2014 to 2015.

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Walmart is making a comeback. Watch out, Amazon?
Even though Amazon is at an all-time high and seemingly rules the retail world, investors shouldn’t overlook Walmart. The stock has enjoyed a solid comeback this year and the company clearly has global aspirations for e-commerce.

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What would happen if Amazon bought eBay?
Jeff Bezos’s outfit could benefit from gobbling its smaller competitor before someone else does.

Job Listings

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Upcoming eCommerce Events

eCommerceFuel Live
October 19–21 | Savannah, Georgia

The 10x eCommerce Event
February 10–12, 2017 | Orlando, Florida

CES (Consumer Electronics Show)
January 5–8, 2017 | Las Vegas, NV

Our Latest Obsession

That New Computer Smell

There nothing like the smell of a freshly opened box fo computer equipment. But what do you do if you don’t have the big bucks to shell out for new, fresh smelling gear?

Twelve South is here to the rescue with their New Mac-scented candle. According to the Twelve South website, the candle has scent notes of ‘Mint, Peach, Basil, Lavender, Mandarin and Sage’. (Do new computers really smell that good?)

Apple fanboys can now feed their Mac obsession at a fraction of the price.

New Mac Candle, $24

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