SUMOHeavy — Issue #45

Bart Mroz
SUMO Heavy
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2016

From Our Blog

Illustration by John Suder

7 Tips for Managing eCommerce Teams

By Melissa Curra, Client Strategist at SUMO Heavy

I began working in eCommerce nearly two years ago. From the start, I was amazed at how delicate and intricate the processes were. As Project Manager, it was my job to use the tools available to meet deadlines, facilitate conversations, and achieve eCommerce success for both my company and my clients. The only catch: I was an English Major, with a background of working in media agencies and magazines. The metrics and technologies were new to me, especially where Project Management was concerned. I realized over time, however, that it’s not just about the technology. Success in eCommerce involves constant transparency, a dedication to the bottom line, and the ability to track trends within a fast, always-improving industry.

[Read the full post here]

What We’re Reading

The Alibaba Group annual Singles’ Day online shopping event, held this year in Shenzhen, China, on Friday, Nov. 11, 2016. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg

Singles’ Day Sales Scorecard: A Day In China Now Bigger Than A Year In Brazil
The Alibaba Group annual Singles’ Day online shopping event, held this year in Shenzhen, China, on Friday, Nov. 11, 2016. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg


Alibaba’s E-Commerce Fest Has Changed the Game For
Alibaba’s Nov. 11 e-commerce festival has changed the way some agencies do business in China.

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4 Ecommerce Trends Helping Businesses Gain
Ecommerce companies are shifting their strategies, adjusting their platforms to be more mobile responsive and expanding their reach to gain customers.

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Google Buys Shopping Search Startup to Make Images More
Undecidable Labs, a startup founded by a former Apple engineer, is now part of Google’s search team.

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Package Carriers Building Up for E-Commerce
Package carriers UPS and FedEx are building bigger hubs for sorting parcels to meet the tighter demands of e-commerce delivery.


Hollar snags another $30 million for its fast-growing dollar store

Hollar, a startup offering dollar store-like finds in the form of a mobile app, has raised another $30 million to continue to grow its business.

Middle east map

Middle East investors put up $1 billion for Noon, a new e-commerce
Noon will sell 20 million items on its platform. It is backed by Dubai’s Mohamed Alabbar, of Emaar Properties, and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund.

Upcoming eCommerce Events

CES (Consumer Electronics Show)
January 5–8, 2017 | Las Vegas, NV

NRF Big Show 2017 Convention & Expo
January 15–17, 2017 | New York City

The 10x eCommerce Event
February 10–12, 2017 | Orlando, Florida

eTail West
February 27 — March 02, 2017 | Palm Springs, CA

The SUMO Heavy Job Board

Reach qualified eCommerce managers by listing your job openings on the SUMO Heavy Job Board. We’ll list your openings for free in our weekly newsletter and post your listings on Twitter.

Click here to get started.

Our Latest Obsession

GifCities: Saving the Lost Art of GeoCities GIFs

Remember having a web page on GeoCities? GeoCities was an early web hosting service, started in 1994 and acquired by Yahoo in 1999, with which users could create their own custom websites.

Those of a certain age will remember fondly the look and feel of those websites. This was the age of dial-up. Graphic files had to be extra small. This was before Flash and Animated CSS, and video was out of the question unless you wanted to download postage-stamp sized QuickTime files that quickly filled your hard drive. The only real way to show motion was through animated GIFs.

As this type of web art fades into history, Internet Archive has developed GifCities, a search engine containing over 20 years of GeoCities GIF art.

At GifCities you’ll find tons of flaming type, flashing construction banners and a plethora of spinning 3-D dollar signs.

Visit GifCities

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