Starting with an Idea

No Excuses, it’s never been easier.

Will Preston
3 min readJul 2, 2017


My Excuses

Have you been thinking about a business idea? Most of us have and we always make up excuses as to why we haven’t started. I know from my own experience that it is often far harder than expected to make your idea work. Once you have an established idea you need to spend time pushing hard to make it a success.

The reality is there are always reasons why not to do something, but these days it’s far easier to become successful and more importantly test again and again until you do.


Building a minimum viable product is the part many people think needs money; it’s minimum for a reason! It should be your core idea boiled down to its essence just to see if it will work out. You can then play around with things until you make it a success.

Just wow, Pieter built a successful MVP without any coding:

The Tools

Tooling today has gotten a lot easier, pick the simplest that will let you test your idea. is excellent, it creates a bootstrap based website using a simple grid platform and allows you to get started quickly using just your smartphone.

You can see Pieter used Typeform another amazing product that lets you create amazing forms not only for basic tasks but as a bridge to collecting data and feedback. Zapier was used to link the form to Trello a simple project management tool where you create boards with lists of tasks. Then Twilio is one of those hard to understand SMS / Phone API services that we think we need developers for but using Zapier it is easy to get started.

Now, this is not to say these are the tools you should be using, it all depends on your idea and what you plan to achieve, but building an MVP can be simple and with minimal coding experience.

Update 7/7/17

Great to see support from the developer of to make our lives even easier! Wow thanks AJ. I do love the fact that we can build out our ideas with such ease and get right into testing a MVP with little work.

Looks awesome well done Ben

Discuss your ideas

If you’d like to discuss your thoughts with like-minded people and want to hear about more successful tool pairings, then do check out our new community called SumoStack.

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Will Preston

Actionable advice for personal growth & business success. Exploring tech, business, and life's mysteries on Medium.