Bling Cuts Onboarding Time Down to 2 Minutes and Strengthens Platform Security With Sumsub’s KYC Solution

Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2021

Bling is a French cash advance service that allows users to receive up to €100 in just a few minutes. Bling eliminates the excessive time and paperwork necessary for getting some extra cash through traditional methods. Instead, Bling aims to make this process pleasant and seamless. Users can quickly set up accounts through the Bling app, receiving money in no time at all. The app launched in spring 2020 and currently has over 200,000 users in France.

Bling aims to create a sophisticated service that provides money to users instantly — backed up by strong fraud-prevention mechanisms that detect dishonest users and fake documents. To make this happen, Bling has integrated Sumsub’s KYC solution. This has empowered Bling’s platform with liveness detection technology, which ensures accurate identity verification and robust fraud protection. Sumsub has also empowered Bling to screen users across adverse media, ensuring that their documents have no traces of digital or physical tampering. Sumsub was also able to reduce Bling’s median onboarding time to 1–2 minutes, resulting in a more people-friendly user experience. Last but not least, Sumsub has helped Bling ensure the high level of security demanded by French AML regulators and the 6th European AML Directive. All in all, these upgrades will help Bling gain the upper-hand in the 6.9 billion dollar cash advance market.

“Since the very beginning, we knew that if we wanted to instantly provide money, we needed a KYC software that would give us high check security and onboard even a big number of users quickly. Sumsub’s solution felt confident and proved to be very effective for us — we haven’t had any fraud incidents and received only positive feedback on our onboarding flow. We are happy to work with Sumsub as while they take good care of our onboarding, we can focus on further growth and improvement.” — Théo Rougon, Risk Manager at Bling.

“The cash advance sector is attractive and rapidly growing, yet tough in terms of fraud. What’s more, given the importance of fast onboarding in this area, checks need to be fast, while still proving a strong level of security. We are glad to support Bling’s growth with our fast and safe KYC checks and look forward to seeing them attract more customers with their young, modern, and innovative service.” — Jacob Sever, Co-founder of Sumsub.

