The New Era of KYC in the UK. How Non-Doc Verification Works and Why It’s Essential for Your Business

Vainius Fedotovas
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023

Document verification can be a complex and exhausting process, causing delays in onboarding or even customer drop-offs. However, a new era of client verification has come to the UK, thanks to Sumsub.

Now UK-based crypto, fintech, transportation, e-commerce and other clients will be able to pass verification with the following perks:

  • Done in less than 5 seconds! The average Non-Doc Verification time is 4.5 seconds — compared to the industry average of 2 minutes.
  • All customers need is their bank account. No more annoying document scans — the user only needs to log into their bank account and agree to share personal data. It’s as simple as that.
  • Multiple use cases, including ID, address, phone number, and age verification.
  • Security. Data transfers are fully protected using the TLS 1.3 encryption protocol.

You can also add an extra level of security through Liveness Detection.

How does it work?

Non-Doc Verification requires just the following:

Step 1: The user selects their bank and is instantly redirected to the bank to log in

Step 2: The user logs into their bank account and consents to share the required data

Step 3: Sumsub retrieves the verified data, confirms the customer’s identity automatically, and onboarding is complete.

Non-Doc Verification is made possible thanks to an open banking API integration, which is approved by the UK government as a legitimate onboarding method under the Good Practice Guide 45 (GPG 45) requirements. Furthermore, this solution meets both the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) and Open Banking standards.

What about compliance?

Sumsub’s Non-Doc Verification solution helps businesses achieve and maintain compliance with UK AML and KYC requirements.

“According to UK AML regulations, document-free solutions can be utilised, provided that they incorporate additional security measures. These are essential for establishing a connection between the user and their claimed identity, which has been independently verified by an external data source,” adds Tony Petrov, Chief Legal Officer at Sumsub.

“We ensure that the non-document verification process is secure from fraud and misuse and that users claiming a particular identity are in fact the person with that identity due to our advanced electronic identification technology.”

UK fintech, crypto, ecommerce, online gaming and transportation businesses, among others, can now onboard their users via official bank records securely and quickly, while staying compliant with regulations. Moreover, businesses from various regulated and unregulated industries will also be able to run age, address, and phone number verification — depending on their needs — using Sumsub’s Non-Doc Verification. All in less than 5 seconds.

Sumsub’s Non-Doc Verification is also currently available to onboard users in Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ghana, Indonesia, India, Nigeria and the Netherlands.

