What is Sun and Data?

Sun and Data
Sun and Data
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018

Sun and Data is a communication and promotion campaign designed by the Government of the Balearic Islands aiming to attract professionals from all over the world to the Balearic Islands and, thus generate high-qualification jobs, retaining local talent and attracting new ones from outside.

Know how:

There are many ways to seduce these types of audiences in the Balearic Islands: the situation, the landscape, the climate, the quality of life and the infrastructures that there is thanks to the tourism. Traditionally, the most significant feature that has attracted millions of tourists has been the famous “Sun and Beach”, an attribute that refers to this campaign and that wants to transform into a new concept: “Sun and Data”.

Author: Alberto Ramos

The general director of Technological Development of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Benjamí Villoslada, and the general director of Innovation and Research, Pep Lluís Pons, have plans to attract the best engineers and companies in the Balearic Islands.

With fiscal incentives on investments, the Government promotes private ventures in research and innovation.

Lee Balearic Islands want to be a node that collects data from around the globe and a laboratory to treat them and find innovative solutions for the problems of humanity. We also want to be the protagonists of the fourth industrial revolution and, therefore, we are committed to knowledge, new technologies and research.

Source: MDx media

These are the fundamental elements in the transition towards the new economic model that we want: diversified, balanced and sustainable, that fosters shared prosperity and makes us Smart Islands.

