Joy Fu: “Coming Around” and Bringing Us Along

Sarita Farnelli
sun rose early
Published in
Nov 12, 2020
Joy Fu

It’s November, and definitely Fall, no matter what the spikes in heat in the Northeast and ice storms in the Southwest might suggest. For me, Fall means bigger coffee cups, longer skirts, watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) once a week, and above all else, listening to neoclassical music.

Neoclassical November playlist

The dreamy, romantic flirtations of strings and piano, with modern touches of synths or effects like reverb and delay, help me to slow time down a little as the days get shorter and shorter.

One of my favorite new artists in the genre, Joy Fu, is a versatile artist with a background in classical piano. Fu, who grew up trilingual (speaking Chinese, English, and French) and designs her cover art to complete each work of art, recently released a delightful streaming debut, titled “Coming Around,” which can be heard on our Neoclassical November playlist.

“Coming Around” is exactly the kind of wistful, time-suspending warm cup of coffee fall music I spend hours trawling through Spotify searching for. I close my eyes and imagine myself ambling through the woods and finding deep inner peace.

In Joy Fu’s own words, “‘Coming Around’ is an instrumental piece about love, instability, and redemption, a secret universe where you could find some calmness and relief. The album design is a collage of Joy’s beautiful memories in the past two years. Fall 2020 — It’s time to come around from the past…”



Sarita Farnelli
sun rose early

Sarita Farnelli is a journalist and editor based in Richmond, Virginia.