#1SweetTweet: Life Is Short — Inspiration Buys You Time.

Sun, Shine In My Eyes: Loving Creativity & The Quest for Visibility || Day 33 — Inspiration.

Life is short. Inspiration buys you time.

#np “I’m on Fire,” by Bruce Springsteen

“Did we just go through a time warp?” Sitting around the fire pit, a wise one posits the question. “It was just 7:00.”

Another wise one looks up, “It feels like it’s 11:00.”

Answers, “It’s only 9:00.”

Been there? Recently? Inspired or lost in moments? In nature? Music, in…timacy? Rhapsody? Sadness? Exultation? A great album/playlist…? Boredom, waiting? Bodysoar (exercise, et al)?

This time is not a straight line. It’s moments like these that remind us of this idea.

What time is it, really?

I asked someone this question recently, “What time is it?” and they quipped back, “Now.”

It is always only now! Forever. ❤

When you’re wanting or you’re waiting, time can feel like it lasts forever…whether it’s a positive or negative anticipation…or somewhere in between. Art, inspiration/s, creation/s that take us soaring into those moments are nothing short of meditative. They’re longplayers. Flavors with aftertastes. Things linger.

And then sometimes waiting, clock-watching…sometimes it’s a blessing. Delays aren’t necessarily denials. and why call them “delays” at all? (I’m not talking about literal delays that help you gauge what time you’ll catch your flight, eh?). Things take time to develop…and oftentimes along the line, one party or the other will realize this was a blessing…the waiting allows one time to reason, to discern, to decipher, to read. To “seed,” and so forth.

And yet, there can be a deliciousness in waiting…even in an unrequited foreplay of experience…but you’d have to be gentle with yourself, and you’d have to paint it rightly…and you’d have to let the energy dissipate so as not to devour you. Would you be up to such a challenge? Or is this fair, at all? If there is any angst or avoidance, best to back away from the idea…every tool available does not have to be utilized as such.

photo: jianda monique

Bruce Springsteen’s song “I’m on Fire,” from time to time is called a “creepy” or “controversial” track…at times, this society has metaphor-goggles-problems.

Or heck…perhaps the lyrics were indeed literal. I doubt it. To me, it is more Beat(nik). Opinions differ, and we can (hopefully) agree to disagree. I share this ditty here, because time lasts forever in it. The vibe, rhythm, lyrics all have to do with smouldering, eh? Fire, Gaia’s elements and dances, those can last forever.

I have been desirous —

I have been desirous to write about bringing memories to mind, in order to revivify a moment or inspire art. I have been desirous to write about avatars. It is almost too vast and too close to home, too much a work in progress for me to do so, properly and with the right reverence, rendered. Some ideas in spirit, heart, mind that are sacred, perhaps ought not be shared. Sometimes it’s better to hold one’s magic dear and just keep it there. Dear. And this is a metaphor, a practice, few would understand.

Back to Bruce…or any similar song/s, art, artist/s…it’s not just about the repetition. It’s about the intention. the moment, the ache that extends across time. The smiles for miles.

Dear Artist(s): This is how, one hopes, your own art, others’ art can heal you. (Nothing to heal? Then make you feel good, in the now.) Rather than live in the ache, the pain, the ‘illness,’ letting its energy eat you alive, art/creations are hopeful monsters. They can help to evolve you out of the loneliness, desires, one track mindedness of all manner of desires…from the sublime, to the ridiculous. Even if such creations are never shared. It’s something you can’t take my word for. It’s something you can experiment with, on your own.

❤ ❤❤

#np jeff buckley, so real || w/the addition of the video this makes it even more sensual, sublime, ridiculous, timeless — yet tethered to time.

what I’m creating/doing now:


listening to the sound of windchimes serenade me

what are you doing/creating, now? do tell!




I am open to your thoughts. Please feel free to connect with me.

I welcome you to come chat with me about these ideas. You can respond to this article here at Medium, or connect with me via the Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook links below. Drop me a line at heartsongs101 @ gmail.com.

Jianda Monique Song of the Moment: inspiration

Jianda Monique Spoken Word(s) of the Moment: illuminate

Seattle-Based, Jianda Monique is a musician, artist coach, newbie coder, data wrangler, writer, and so much more . She’s collaborated with acclaimed artists such as Tycho (“Dive”) and her music has been featured on many labels, including Om/Om’s seminal Om Lounge 10 releases.

For the last little while, Jianda’s been creating anywhere from 1–5 song, prose and spoken word ideas…per day! She will be sharing some of these releases throughout this blogging journey. She’s open to networking, creative coaching and project opportunities, and contract/freelance opportunities @LinkedIn.

Caveats regarding this series in particular: at times I disregard/break grammar rules (see Jack Kerouac’s manifesto), and I may also go back and add/remove things from pieces in these series. Often, I will post a draft that does not yet feel completely finished to me, in order to encourage myself to keep writing, and not to have to “do things perfectly,” and stay productive. I will do my best to add #wip and /or #iamwriting hashtags to indicate this. We live in the age of the living document. C’est les mots.

Want to learn more? Come say hi. : o)

Tweet @jiandamonique || Check out JiandaMonique.com and say “hey!”



jianda moniqueღ
Sun, Shine In My Eyes: Loving Creativity & The Quest for Visibility

Home & Away, High & Outside:Free.Spirit, Conscious Healing Creator, Love Maker. Sharing light, bliss, life.Love Your Projects. www.JiandaMonique.com