Sun, Shine In My Eyes: Loving Creativity & The Quest for Visibility || Day 36 —Being About Your Heaven.

Just Paint It.

photo: jianda monique

What does life look like inside your heaven? Find yourself inspired to create/have your creations/express/to emote along those lines!

what I’m creating/doing now:

meditation in moments. micro-meditation. no heaven feeling? start again. not now? start again? feel good now? no? so-so? hm. start again. mmm.

i am ever fascinated by the resurgence of cover songs and the meta discourse(s) therein. (tyb)


what are you doing/creating, now? do tell!




I am open to your thoughts. Please feel free to connect with me.

I welcome you to come chat with me about these ideas. You can respond to this article here at Medium, or connect with me via the Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook links below. Drop me a line at heartsongs101 @

Jianda Monique Song of the Moment: illuminate

Jianda Monique Spoken Word(s) of the Moment: heavylite

songs are poems and poems songs, in my world. sometimes they are interchangeable — ❤

Seattle-Based, Jianda Monique is a musician, artist coach, newbie coder, data wrangler, writer, and so much more . She’s collaborated with acclaimed artists such as Tycho (“Dive”) and her music has been featured on many labels, including Om/Om’s seminal Om Lounge 10 releases.

For the last little while, Jianda’s been creating anywhere from 1–5 song, prose and spoken word ideas…per day! She will be sharing some of these releases throughout this blogging journey. She’s open to networking, creative coaching and project opportunities, and contract/freelance opportunities @LinkedIn.

Caveats regarding this series in particular: at times I disregard/break grammar rules (see Jack Kerouac’s manifesto), and I may also go back and add/remove things from pieces in these series. Often, I will post a draft that does not yet feel completely finished to me, in order to encourage myself to keep writing, and not to have to “do things perfectly,” and stay productive. I will do my best to add #wip and /or #iamwriting hashtags to indicate this. We live in the age of the living document. C’est les mots.

Want to learn more? Come say hi. : o)



jianda moniqueღ
Sun, Shine In My Eyes: Loving Creativity & The Quest for Visibility

Home & Away, High & Outside:Free.Spirit, Conscious Healing Creator, Love Maker. Sharing light, bliss, life.Love Your Projects.