Published in
7 min readNov 12, 2018

Locally Supporting Renewable Energy Projects using Our Renewably Focused @suncoin_network


The Suncoin Network is a project that was originally created as a Zero Emissions (CO2) Blockchain.

Its original Team abandoned the project after only few months, and was reconstituted with The Suncoin Foundations New Team of Developers, Project Managers, and Community Leaders, transforming it into a decentralised, community driven project.

Our Blockchain enables users to build and create any project on top of our coin, Suncoin. Ensuring that energy consumed by the Blockchain is sourced from renewable forms of energy.

Suncoin ($SUN) has an active Network that can be used in payment of Goods and Services related to Renewable Energies, and Ecological Self-Supplying equipment: Such as, Buying a Solar Panel, Electric Vehicle Charging, or Hiring 100% Green Powered Hosting Services.

- A Truely Renewable Network

Suncoin Development Update #01

Were busy working! Make no mistake the Team is here discussing what we see to the best avenue for growth across all metrics.

It’s important for us to tie in Suncoin’s Community Members to their Local environment, and the overall idea of Suncoin’s Renewable EnergyChain. Having Suncoin in your Local community (IRL) will be significant in Brand Development and Market Growth for our future, so we’re working to figure this out and move in a direction the benefits the Project and its Stakeholders.

Suncoin is Growing, But Where ?

Firstly were experiencing growth in our Working Team Members. During Q3, this year, we brought on two new Core Team members to focus on Media Campagins, Community Outreach and Engagement. Followed by our mid-term highlight of Sponsoring our First Mountain Runner, José Ramón Romero, who is also part of the new team.

José Ramón Romero competing in Marathon Alpine Jarapalos

In terms of numbers of growth, lets take a look:

The MasterNode Network is trending upward, currently sitting at 129 operating across the network. We recently experienced a loss of 7 MasterNodes, but we’re sure we can make this up as the Market Capitalization and interest in our Project expands.

Suncoin MasterNode Network

Our Social Media numbers continue to grow, and we continue to moderate and keep a clean house in-terms of Fakes Users. Our Telegram accounts are filtered, so is our Discord. We’re proud to have real members in our community.

Figures Across Social Media:
- Discord: 172
- Telegram: 143
- @suncoin_network: 598
- @SuncoinF: 23

For Exchanges we continue to build our presence in the in Retail Market. Traders have increasing access to a combination of Exchange Markets from across the space, and we’re seeing increased volume as the coin and its network expands.

The Graviex Exchange (BTC/SUN) is the most active Exchange to trade Suncoin. They’ve been operating for just over a year — and in the last few weeks we’ve seen its trading volume increase 6 fold. Start-Ex, is a new Exchange that specialises in GBX pairs (Gobyte), thanks to them its possible to trade Suncoin for this and BTC as well as DOGE pairs. VaultMex is also available, one of the peculiar things of this Exchange is it requires No KYC to trade on it, which has opened the doors to many Eastern Investers and Traders. KOMODO’s BarterDEX, is a Decentralised Exchange, was one of the first to adopt the Suncoin market, thanks to one of the main KOMODO Developers agreeing with the Project. It was one of the first Exchanges where you could enjoy Suncoin. Zironex, will list Suncoin in the future. The Swiss based Exchange will allow for deposit of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies. This market will be live once Swiss Trade Regulations have be amended and Suncoin will be apart of their new coins on-boarded to their Exchange.

Suncoin Foundation’s Next Development Targets

The Suncoin Foundation has 3 main Projects were looking to bring to market in Q4, 2018 — Q1, 2019. The coming months will push our Team to Break New Ground in what Suncoin represents in the Marketplace, and we see it as a good entry into 2019.

1) Local Solar Panel Program(LSP)

The Suncoin Foundation is introducing its Local Solar Panel Program or (LSP) to support changing and growing mechanisms in the Renewable Energy Sector at the Local Level for Social Projects that focus on using Renewable Energy as their driving force.

The “LSPs” are *Territorial organisations that operate with SunCoin. *Territorial , in the first phase is considered countries, in the future we’ll focus on cites and more specific core areas. Its aim is to promote, Suncoin Foundation’s interests on the locally by working with local people interested in Renewable Energy.

They‘re responsible for the link between local projects in their territory, it’s people initiatives, its investors and promotion of Suncoins interests if required.

The SunCoin Foundation consider the LSP’s as a Communication Team and Manager’s of their Region, as well as a point of support to carry out future Campaigns and Social Projects.

2) Business to Customer Web Platform

Throughout Q2 — Q3, 2018, The Suncoin Team have been working on the Development of our Business to Customer Web Platform, called ( We’re planning to have release in the first week of December this year, if our Team maintains its current rate of development.

State of Development at this time, below:

- Infrastructure 100%
- Concept and idea 70%
- Development 25%
- Design 10%

The Platform itself will operate as a medium (similar to a dictionary) between Customers and Businesses looking to Exchange Goods and Services related to the Renewable Energy Sector.

The platform has No Charges or Commissions for Business’s and Customers using the platform. The Platform uses Bitcoin, Suncoin and Fiat as its main forms of payment for Goods and Services.

The system requests the Users Work Requirements and Budgets, so that Users are able to search for the what they’re interested in finding from our Network of Companies and Professionals.

3) Amaterasu Swap

Our next Project, will be the AmaterasuChain Swap coming up in Q1, 2019.

This is something The Suncoin Foundation has decided internally will help meet the Foundation and coin’s objectives and assist in us certifying that 90% of the Blockchain is sourced from renewable forms of energy.

For example, With a PoW/MN Blockchain it can be difficult to for us to establish the consumption rate of each MasterNode and its Miners. The information we are currently getting back from the network is insufficient enough for us to make the right decisions for the future health of the network, and ultimately doesn’t fit with our current objectives.

By Switching to a PoS/MN Blockchain, this will facilitate a more accurate count of active MasterNodes, and Miners, that will make the Network more functional and bring us closer to reaching our target objects of returning 90% (or possibly 100%) from the project itself.

  • The Swap Ration is set at 2 Original Suncoin = 1 AmatersuChain Suncoin (Swap Ration 2:1).
  • The swap will reduce the Approximate supply of 4 million Suncoin into an Approximate 2 Million.

We’re keeping all Mining Rewards the same, to keep the network going, and secondly to keep the market involved and the coin distribution high. This helps in the first phase of growth and establishment as a brand, it’ll also keep major speculators and any single person not having too much influence over the Market. Once the New chain is launched, we feel the coin will be distributed more securely.

We recognise the coins distribution amongst Miners, Buyers and Sellers, and that this supports a market driven price for Suncoin.

Our Partners

At this time, The Suncoin Foundation, is active in seeking new and mutual relationships with organisations on the Local and Business level. Moving forward we would like to increase local contacts with our Local Solar Panel (LSP) initiative to grow at the grass roots level.

Currently, we have an active relationship with, a company focusing on Renewable Energy Projects on the local or national level.

We have developed a working relationship with them that includes providing them a MasterNode our Suncoin Network (of which is a limited). This allows them to receive All Free Rewards. In this particular case they also have another mounted MasterNode were the rewards can be used for promotional activities in the future (Rewards for MasterNodes are currently locked).

This is the kind of sharing relationships we’re looking to build more of, so people can benefit from Suncoins potential increase in Satoshi Value and increases each others benefits in the relationship.

Another relationship is with We’re working with the Legal Team to process our Documentation around our listing on the Zironex Exchange to meet the requirements outlined by Swiss Regulatory Offices to be eventually validated. This is a working and fungible relationship that is geared towards everyones mutual benefit.

Where You Can Find Suncoin
If your interest in buying Suncoin, you can buy it from any of the exchanges I mentioned above, for a very low amount of Satoshi at this time.

Another way to get ahold of Suncoin would be to enter our Suncoin Discord group, we have an invite giveaway in progress ( and Suncoin Meme and Gif contest that us also in progress (

Past competitions have had plenty of people come on-board as a result.


The Suncoin Foundation | @SuncoinF and @Suncoin_Network on Twitter |

You can find out more details from SunCoin Foundations Discord ( about their RoadMap, and release dates for the new platform |



Editor for

Writer for SunCoin Foundation and SunCoin Network: Renewable Energy Chain| SunCoin MasterNode Operator | Join Official Discord |