Suncoin Sponsors Its First Mountain Runner!

Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2018
José Ramón Romero from Suncoin Team

We are proud to announce a special partnership with José Ramón Romero.

Suncoins very first sponsored athlete.

José, is 41 and from Écija. He’s passionate about Mountain Running and has been competing as an amateur for 7 years. He has participated in numerous events such as Jarapalos 62km and 42kms, Calamorro, USN Sierra Nevada (trail), Guájares, Sierra Elvira, Albuñuelas, Quesada.

The Suncoin Foundation takes pride in supporting communities and individuals interested in improving their performance in all non-emissions sports that have no impact on the environment – we’re happy to help motivate them to reach their personal goals as athletes.

José, will also be joining the Suncoin Foundation team as Hispanic moderator for Suncoins Social Media. We welcome him with excitement for the future of Suncoin and his sporting achievements.

I sat down with José, to discuss his Mountain Running experiences and what he thinks about Crypto and Suncoin….


“First of all,”

“Thank you @suncoin_network for this special partnership”

Q) So, What makes you want to Trail Run?

A little over 7 years ago I resumed the practice of Mountain Running, I had left it for 3–4 years, but this time I decided to participate in a 17km run. At that time it was quite a distance for me.

Since that first race, I’ve practically dedicate myself 100% to participating in Mountain races, taking on distances between 30 and 62kms.

Its empowering to run some of the places in which the trail runs are set, it amazing! To be able to enjoy nature at its fullest, and in places that you normally don’t get access to, its a wonder, you find yourself alone inside some of the most beautiful mountain ranges.

Q) Tell us about your hardest and most difficult time as a Trail runner. . .

One of my hardest moments, I’ve had in the last 7 years of running was just a year ago. I was competing in the Ultra Sierra Nevada. It’s 62kms long and I ended up having to leave it 45km into the race, because of an anxiety problem.

Thats something that stood out to me, I told myself I would sign up again for next years race and finish it this time. Of which I did! On July 14 this year I ran the Ultra Sierra Nevada again and completed it this time.

Q) Suncoin is sponsoring one of your coming Trail Runs, tell is a little about the features of this trail? Is it dangerous?

Trail Running or Mountain Racing is one of the running disciplines that is continuing to grow in the last few years. When I first started, there weren’t many Mountain Races in which to participate, and the information in social networks and others was quite scarce. Nowadays, and after 7 years of practice, I have seen a proliferation of races and so much more people participating — the level of participants has risen exponentially.

Mountain Races are characterised by vast areas of Mountains, more Mountains, plains, deserts…. and running through trials and tracks, with minimal amount of asphalted roads. Plus the terrain can be uneven, that can make the race harder. At times you have to walk due to the incline or decline of a slope that I have to climb.

But it’s not dangerous at all, you just have to know each of your limits as a racer and be aware of the preparation required for each of you limits.

I always say, anyone who tries racing in the mountains, will come back for more.

Q) I hope you’re eating right and your hydration is astute, is there anything in particular less experienced runners should do or watch out for in their own diets before Mountain Running?

In Mountain Racing, to last more than 3 hours, its best drink liquids, and eat during the race.

Normally, except in half self-sufficiency or self-sufficiency races, there are usually refreshment points every 5–6kms prepared by the organization of the race in which you can find fluids (water, isotonic drinks, coke) and food (fruit, dates, sandwiches, jelly beans…).

However, I always recommend bringing some fluids with you and some dates for example, so you have something there if at anytime you need to drink and eat something.

Q) You’re coming onto the Suncoin Team as well, tell us, how did you come into crypto and the Suncoin community?

Well, I was on the way back from training a little over a year ago, when one of my friends started talking about crypto and the next day I started learning about this world, I signed up for some exchanges, and participated in some ICOs.

I started to hear about @suncoin_network a month or two ago due to an airdrop, and from that moment I began to collaborate in social media through retweets, and likes. Since it’s related to renewable energies and ecological sustainability, it caught my attention, and because it has a lot to do with Mountain Races.

Since the announce of my special partnership with Suncoin, I intend to make @suncoin_network even more known in all the races and events in which I participate, through social media (twitter, telegram, discord, ..,).

I hope that very soon, next Saturday, November 10, you will see @suncoin_network in my next race, which will be in the Maraton Alpino Jarapalos, it’s 42kms and 2,390 meters of ascending gravel.

Thanks a lot to @suncoin_network and @growingbreaker.


Thanks for your words, José, all the best in the future.

You can find out more details from SunCoin Foundations Discord group about their RoadMap, and release dates for the new platform. Checkout or find them on twitter @suncoin_network / @SuncoinF



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