Finding crypto trailblazers in Hong Kong

Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2017

Fee reduction during exchange of crypto for Fiat Currencies is one of our goals in Asia

Look at Victoria harbor in Hong Kong

A smart man once said “Finding good partners is the key to success in anything: in business, in marriage and, especially, in investing.” That’s why the SunContract team traveled to Hong Kong in the beginning of November.

The story of SunContract is a story of harnessing revolutionary technology of blockchain and cryptocurrencies and connecting them to the potential of untapped, green, Independent Power Producers while avoiding all the traps and pitfalls of traditional unidirectional systems of electrical energy generation and distribution. Partners who understand and will support the potential of what we are creating play a pivotal role in this.

The cryptocurrency exchange

We arrived to the Pearl of the Orient on November 5th and are, at the moment, on the way back to home. Our first goal was to find business organizations that would provide additional support to our SNC token regarding exchanging it for Fiat Currencies.

As far as exchanging cryptocurrencies for Fiat Currencies is concerned (including US Dollar and Euro), Asia is the place to go. Exchanging crypto for fiat is a fundamental snag, especially when we are talking small home- and solar- owners. SunContract’s goal is to provide complete service on the Platform developed by our team or to find a partner who would enable exchange of SNC token for a reasonable fee.

Shenzhen and us

A week cannot end without a short visit of a conference. We took this amazing opportunity to meet with high-level blockchain people from Asia in Shenzhen and spoke about our vision of decentralized energy market. China understands problems with pollution more than any other nation on the planet.

2017 Asia Blockchain Application Congress was there for us on the best possible moment. Two days conference was all about adoption of blockchain technology and mainstream products that could become part of our lives. We feel the big breakthrough of the technology is just around the corner and we want to be in the foreground once it happens.

SunContact CEO Gregor speaking with speakers of DAIBC conference

Check out this long and interesting speakers list on the conference.

Getting our foot in with stock markets

Our second priority are regional (and global) financial industries and stock markets. We want to find a common ground with them regarding listing of SNC token. Global stock exchanges are already opening doors for select few, but listing of cryptocurrency on a regular stock market is still a rather tough nut to crack.

The SunContract story is far from merely coming up with a nice looking application for P2P Energy Markets. Given the fact that technical parts of the platform (solar, heat pump technology, batteries) have been an integral part of our undertaking from the beginning, we are also probing Asia regarding possible business partners for these technologies.

Our ultimate plan is to support our platform with a wide network of already connected business partners who can provide the customer with the best possible products in terms of energy-generating and energy-storing devices — at the best possible price. In the field of P2P Energy Markets, the issue of energy storage is quite neglected at the moment. In the final phase we want to offer a unified, integrated and easily accessible service to our customers.

Result of those long night meetings are several signed NDAs (non-disclosure agreement) that are the base for future business collaborations between involved parties. We are very optimistic about the future!

Polishing, polishing, polishing

The last (but hardly least important) field that our team dived into is the question of cryptocurrency mining and power consumption during this process. Cryptomining is today extremely heavy-duty, in terms of electricity consumption.

So our plan is to find people in Asia, that can enable our customers easy access to mining hardware. SunContract’s part in this setup is providing investors with a power generating equipment and all cooling machinery at the same location where cryptomining will be taking place. Basically: cheaper, locally produced electricity = cheaper mining costs for our customers.

We’ll tell you all about the abovementioned results, as soon as we finalize our arrangements. We guarantee we’ll have an exciting story to tell soon.

Last picture before ferry ride

Also: Ferry ride and sunset were great.

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SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.