How Slovenians are saving 35% of their electricity costs

Miha Koprivec’s experience with the SunContract platform

5 min readMay 3, 2018


SunLover Miha Koprivec shares his story about the SunContract Platform

Miha Koprivec — A Slovenian SunLover, has provided us with a testimonial about the SunContract Platform. It reads:

“My first encounter with cryptocurrencies involved me purchasing some Ethereum in the spring season of 2017. A few weeks after, I stumbled upon a SunContract token sale ad and I was immediately intrigued by the prospects of a P2P energy trading market that would — apparently — lead to electricity cost savings for Slovenians.

What I found particularly amazing about SunContract was the thought that by using blockchain technology, the middleman could be eliminated and in so doing, a producer of a small amount of electricity could sell his surplus energy to a consumer at a much friendlier price. This would mean that the domestic producer would not need the middleman company — which is our current problem with having a surplus of domestically produced electricity.

I was also very intrigued that the platform would work towards making BOTH the producer and the consumer of electricity on the platform better off. I believe that this is the only way that solar power stations can be profitable in the long run and the way I see it, SNC can actually help to create the market, where people will much more easily and conveniently opt for self-sufficiency and the adoption of clean-tech.”

Electricity costs considerably reduced on the SunContract platform

Makes a choice

“Fast forward to August 2017. I invested some of my ETH into the SunContract Token Sale and for me this decision was a no-brainer. I also started to follow the SNC team’s development journey more closely. I became even more certain about the project due to their very professional communication on Telegram and I trusted them to get all the necessary permissions to successfully develop the platform. I was really looking forward to the launch of the project and I decided that I would switch my electricity provider as soon as the new platform was out. Sure enough, everything went according to the roadmap and it became apparent that I would be a part of history as the platform launch was scheduled to take place at the end of Q1 in April. As soon as they opened the pioneer option, I signed up for the opportunity and I think I was among the first ten :)

In March 2018, registrations on the platform opened. This involved changing the provider to SNC (at that time only for pioneers) as it was necessary for me to have access to trading on the platform. Registration was done simply by writing them an email, explaining that I would like to become a user of the SunContract platform. In the next email I forwarded my former contract and the last bill of my former electricity provider.

After this, the SNC team themselves took care of the cancellation of my previous contract and sent me the new one, between me and SNC. In the contract they also assured me a price that is lower than the price I paid to my previous energy provider (this is still a maximum price, but it can become even lower if I manage to arrange this with individual providers of electricity on SNC platform). I signed the contract and sent it back. Therefore, the transition to SNC platform is very simple, altogether it took 3 days.”

Begins using the platform

“I signed the contract on 9th of March 2018 and we scheduled the transition to the new provider on the 1st of April. The condition for me to do this was to have at least 2000 SNC coins on the platform, with which I would be able to pay for electricity in the future.

Once April arrived, I began to use the SNC platform and my electricity bill was reduced by about 30 or 40%. I was extremely happy with my decision to switch energy providers once I saw this. It is one thing to be told that you will save on electricity costs, and a completely different thing to see how much value you actually receive from a product.

Besides spending less on my electricity, I am also happy about receiving green energy. I am proud to be a contributor to the fight against climate change, and I am proud to be preserving the environment for my children’s children in the future. Also, I can now follow the usage of electricity in my home daily, even hourly if I like.

Hourly purchases of electricity on the SNC platform
Consumption and production charts on the SNC platform

In general, the platform is really clear and understandable. Seeing how it works and how I had no problem with transition, I will invite a lot of friends and acquaintances to join the platform.

In three years, I plan to move into a new house where I will have the possibility to build a solar power plant and become self-sustainable. When this happens, I plan to buy enough SNC to be able to finance it just with the tokens ;)

As a satisfied user I am looking forward to the future development of the platform and to the expansion of Suncontract into other countries.”

Thank you

We want to thank you Miha for this feedback. We are very happy to see that SunContract is bringing you value and we thank you for your willingness to share your story with our community.

If there are other Slovenians with testimonials about their experience so far, please contact our CMO - Winfred K. Mandela at or send her a message on telegram and we will be happy to share your story with our community.

Not a member of the SunContract community yet? Register today and join us in the quest for a globally Open Energy Market.

Chat with the team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new investors and several different exchanges. Be sure to check out the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token.

SunContract is an energy trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. Blockchain technology takes over the role of the middle man as a trusted technology infrastructure. The blockchain technologies are implemented into existing energy distribution systems without changing the general energy regulation framework. We have already developed and launched our pilot project which is in use on a national level in Slovenia for a start. We are currently working on expansion, adoption and introducing a fiat gateway on the platform for users to purchase electricity directly on the platform without the need for a cryptocurrency exchange.

For Media Enquiries:

Winfred K. Mandela





SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.