SunContract platform officially launched

Stage 2 of the platform unveiled for the first time

7 min readApr 19, 2018


SunLoving EU Commissioner for Transport — Ms. Violeta Bulc

Dear SunLovers,

In celebration of the completion of Stage 2 of the platform, we hosted the SunContract Launch event at the Rikli Balance Hotel on April 13, 2018. The launch of stage 2 of the SunContract platform has revolutionized the way energy is traded and for the first time in history, individuals can now freely buy & sell electricity with each other while playing an important role in the disruption of the energy sector as is known to this day.

From far and wide

Our event was well attended by Slovenian nationals, foreigners, politicians and celebrities alike. Some of the distinguished figures who spoke at the event include: EU Commissioner for Transport — Violeta Bulc, EU Member of Parliament — Franc Bogovič, State Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister — Tadej Slapnik, President of the Bitcoin Association of Slovenia — Jure Pirc, Senior Research Fellow at the London School of Business — Dr. Jesus Nieto Martin, Marc Houwen of Infrachain, Leo Lu of Eging PV and Jonathan Galea of Bitmalta.

State Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister — Mr. Tadej Slapnik addresses SunLovers

Some well known Slovenian celebrities also graced our event, not only wih their presence, but also their talent. These include Slovenian writer, actor, composer and comedian — Jure Godler — best known for his impressions on the Slovenian National Television programme Hri-Bar. Mr. Godler was the day’s host and he opened the show with a performance with Slovenian singing sensation Nina Pušlar who stunned the audience with her blissfully mellow tunes.

Video recap of the SunContract Platform Launch

The event — which was attended by more than 350 guests from 15 countries — was full of engaging activities. It’s safe to say that a favourite for attendees was the photobooth! We know how excited you are to see the photos and we will be sharing these on our Facebook channel in coming days.

New partnerships signed at the event

Jure Pirc moderates Blockchain guests — SunContract’s new partners

On April 13th, the SunContract team also revealed that it had solidified partnership talks by signing agreements with some blokchain and energy sector partners. Some of our new partners attended the SunContract Launch and even supported it by partaking in a Blockchain panel discussion chaired by President of the Bitcoin Association — Mr. Jure Pirc. These included the founders of moneyrebel, Tradershub, Hive, Coolomat, kumuluz and ACETrade

SunContract CEO- Mr. Gregor Novak signing agreements with new energy partners

We have not yet revealed a lot of information about the nature of the new partnerships. Communication about the partnerships needs to be approved by both parties before they can be circulated to the public. We will begin sharing, in more detail, the nature of the partnerships over the next couple of weeks and we ask for patience from our community.

CEO — Gregor Novak signing agreement with new partners

We’re very thrilled to have like-minded local and global collaborations with both blockchain and energy sector partners who have shown that they are as committed to accelerating growth as we are.

Stage 2 of Platform

SunContract CEO — Gregor Novak reveals platform to EU members, Prime Minister and other high guests

CEO of SunContract — Gregor Novak, presented Stage 2 of the platform for the first time to high guests at the EU organized Smart Villages event. The SunContract event was an extension of the Smart Villages event and many of the attendees of the morning event were present as well for the official launch event where Mr. Novak also presented the enhanced platform to the SunContract investors who had not attended the Smart Villages event earlier in the day.

Screenshot of a section in Stage 2 Platform

The enhanced platform, he said, would enable individuals to:

  • Trade electricity in a P2P fashion
  • Choose the price at which they purchased electricity
  • Choose the price at which they sold electricity
  • Choose their source of electricity
  • Save on electricity costs
  • Increase transparency of transactions,
  • Complete the KYC process completely online, among lots more

Users of the platform will be required to always have a minimum of 1000 SNC tokens on the platform — an amount that is enough to pay for electricity for at least 2 months. These tokens can at the moment be purchased on exchanges since all of the users of the platform initially purchased their tokens on exchanges. However, the team is in discussion with various financial partners, and fiat gateways will soon make it possible for the average Joe/Jane to purchase his or her tokens directly on the platform in order to purchase their electricity.

Slovenians love their drinks

Networking after the event

After the reveal of Stage 2, guests were then free to mingle, exchange business cards and get to know one another. Of course, in Slovenia, this experience wold be subpar without the presence of drinks — which could be seen distributed evenly to guests at the venue. Attendees engaged one another over 1… or 2…. perhaps 3 glasses of wine, discussing business, making merry and congratulating the team members for a successful first day.

While this part of the evening marked the end of the day for some, it was only the beginning for others who then relocated to nearby Troha Pub to relax and truly unwind over good laughs and some drinks.

SunLovers enjoying a few drinks at Troha Pub — Bled, Slovenia

Bled Tour

The SunContract launch event may have concluded on April 13, but the community and team were still feeling very festive after the accomplishment of a huge milestone. Ready to get a feel of Slovenian culture and its picturesque beauty, the community assembled in Bled, ready for a full day tour of the city and its nearby locations.

Some of the destinations visited on Saturday, April 14 included: Vila Bled, the Avsenik Museum, Radovljica among lots more. By the end of the day, our foreign investors had been exposed to Slovenian history, culture, and its beautiful landscapes, and they had developed a sense of what it truly is like to live in beautiful Slovenia.

SunLovers sharing good energy with one another

At around 8 pm of April 14, guests bid each other goodbye, as the successful, exciting 2 day event had officially come to an end. We want to say thank you to everyone who could attend the event, and for those who attended with us in spirit. We have come this far in our journey because of your steadfast support and we are so proud to have you as our community.

Pioneers united for the first time in 9 months

We would like to especially thank those of you who volunteered themselves to make our event a success. Thank you for the super cool photos which you took, thank you to Dominik, our fantastic Pioneer DJ at Troha, and thanks to everyone who showed up to support us on both days. We have a wonderful community and we look forward to getting to know you better in coming annual meetings, perhaps in our next country of expansion ;)

In the meantime, we encourage our community members to spread the word about SunContract. To encourage their friends and loved ones to look into our project, and to encourage them to register to use the platform.

Don’t have an account yet? Register today and join us in the quest for a globally Open Energy Market

Chat with the team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new investors and several different exchanges. Be sure to check out the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token.

SunContract is an energy trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. Blockchain technology takes over the role of the middle man as a trusted technology infrastructure. The blockchain technologies are implemented into existing energy distribution systems without changing the general energy regulation framework. We have already developed and launched our pilot project which is in use on a national level in Slovenia for a start. We are currently working on expansion, adoption and introducing a fiat gateway on the platform for users to purchase electricity directly on the platform without the need for a cryptocurrency exchange.

For Media Enquiries:

Winfred K. Mandela

CMO — SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.