Munich was productive!

SunContract — active participants at the Intersolar Conference

6 min readJul 2, 2018


SunContract CEO — Gregor Novak a member of the High Level Panel Debate


The SunContract team is honoured to have been invited to the Intersolar Conference dated June 21–22 — participating actively in a high level panel debate as well as presenting the project to 100 key energy players. This was an exciting experience for us since Intersolar Europe is the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners. The event’s exhi­bition and conference both focus on the areas of photovoltaics, solar thermal technologies, solar plants, as well as grid infrastructure and solutions for the integration of renewable energy.

Panelists at the high level debate — Intersolar Conference

Our CEO — Mr. Gregor Novak was a panelist at the High Level Industry Forum where solar energy, storage and digitalisation were discussed and described as contributing factors to the new European Industrial Revolution. Mr. Novak introduced the SunContract marketplace to more than 100 key energy players as an example of how new digital infrastructure can revolutionise and make a society better off not only in terms of environmental sustainability, but also financially speaking. He shed light on the fact that SunContract is the very first energy marketplace in the world and backed up the usefulness of the platform by providing statistics on savings that users on the platform had experienced in previous months. He expressed gratitude that the SunContract platform’s business model is functional within EU legislation and commended the EU for pushing member countries’ legislations to accomodate non-conventional revolutionising business models such as SunContract’s and other blockchain projects. Alongside Mr. Novak was the Vice President of the European Commission’s Energy Union — Maros Sefcovic, the President of SolarPower Europe — Dr. Christian Westermeier and other honourable speakers (pictured above).

We consider ourselves very fortunate to have had Mr. Novak present SunContract to key players in the energy sector, European Commission representatives as well as leading officers of SolarPower Europe. We received a lot of positive feedback from attendees, with some referring to Mr. Novak as a progressive entrepreneur and Mr. Šefčovič expressing his positive sentiments for progressive projects that he believes will play a significant role in the future of the European Commission’s Energy Union.

From left to right: SunContract CEO — Gregor Novak exchanges handshake with EC’s Energy Union CP — Maros Sefcovic

The future of our industry will depend on our ability to adapt and innovate. It will depend on our ability to invest in and embrace new low-carbon technologies. This is not only about the energy sector itself but about its ability to energise the entire economy from sustainable sources. What we now call ‘sector coupling’ is about using electricity from renewables for heating, cooling, transport, etc. strengthening synergies and creating win-win situations for several sectors and industries. This way all sectors can help reducing the amount of fossil energy required — Maros Sefcovic

Due to unanticipated interest in emerging technologies (especially blockchain technology), the High Level Panel Debate ended up taking more time than was slotted for the discussion as attendees expressed interest in the project and had numerous questions regarding blockchain technology and other emerging technologies in the energy sector. Other subjects that were considerably interesting included the importance of battery storage systems and the shift to renewables for our energy consumption.

Mission networking — accomplished!

In the afternoon, SunContract Co-founder and CFO — Mrs. Mojca Bajec, could be found in the open square in the main site of the fair presenting SunContract and its recent achievements to attendees of the conference and inviting interested parties to get in touch to discuss the potential of partnerships.

SunContract CFO -Mrs. Mojca Bajec presenting the project to guests at the conference

The by-product of Thursday’s panel debates and presentations as well as networking could clearly be seen on Friday, when SunContract Co-founders Mr. Novak and Mrs. Bajec had private, one on one meetings with a multitude of companies for the entire day.

Time for some fun

Members of the SunContract team mingling with SolarPower Europe colleagues

They say that people rarely succeed in life, unless they have fun in what they are doing… With the agenda of the Munich trip accomplished, the SunContract team was then able to relax and unwind over a few cocktails.

Where else have we been/are we going?

Former Samsung CEO and President of Korean Blockchain Association Daeje Chin at BlockchainConnect

At SunContract, we believe that to become better, we must continue to keep updated on industry best practices and there is no better way to do this than to associate with those that are industry leaders today.

Some of our team members including SunContract CMO — Winfred K. Mandela were in California’s Silicon Valley tech-hub between June 26–27 attending the Blockchain Connect event where thousands of influential thought leaders came together for an intensive two-day blockchain discussion.

New York, New York

On July 11th, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe — UNECE, Republic of Slovenia and Kingdom of the Netherlands in cooperation with European Blockchain Hub and partner organizations are organizing: High-Level Political Forum 2018 — Side Event: Blockchain for Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies. SunContract will be joining the Slovenian and Dutch delegation in New York for the conference where we will present the SunContract platform to 200 countries under UN forum together with Slovenian and Netherland governments. We are very excited to have this platform where we can bring exposure to our project on a global level.

With fiat gateway in the horizon, mass adoption and expansion into new countries are beginning to become more and more feasible and we are certainly excited about what the future holds for our project. Stay tuned on our social channels for more details regarding the fiat gateway, as well as other exciting news regarding dev work.

We regularly update coinmarketcal with all of our upcoming events, so be sure to check them out there and don’t forget to upvote so we can bring as much exposure to our company-hosted events, as well as those that we attend.

This is it for now, SunLovers. Until next time! 👋

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Chat with the team on Telegram where we are always active. We are also on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and LinkedIn. SNC token is available on the following exchanges: HitBTC, Kucoin, OkEx, Huobi, Yobit and ForkDelta.

SunContract is an energy trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. Blockchain technology takes over the role of the middle man as a trusted technology infrastructure. The blockchain technologies are implemented into existing energy distribution systems without changing the general energy regulation framework. We have already developed and launched our pilot project which is in use on a national level in Slovenia for a start. We are currently working on expansion, adoption and introducing a fiat gateway on the platform for users to purchase electricity directly on the platform without the need for a cryptocurrency exchange.

Media Enquiries:

Winfred K. Mandela

CMO — SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.